Green Hydrogen Gateway: Connecting Brazil and Europe

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Recording of Thursday, June 20, 2024 | The smarter E Europe Exhibition Program 2024 | Exhibition Program | Language: English | Duration: 20:17 .

"Green Energy Park Initiative Aims for Hydrogen Revolution with Global Projects in Brazil and Croatia"

The Green Energy Park initiative was established to develop practical and sustainable energy projects, particularly focusing on hydrogen. Founded by experts from various sectors, including Tobias Puklevitz (CTO), Mindaugas (CEO), Mario Reinisch (CFO), and Bart Bubick (renowned in the hydrogen industry), it aims to align with European regulations for a greener future. The project is spread across multiple locations: engineering in Bonn, headquarters in Rotterdam, governmental affairs near Brussels, EPC management in Lithuania, finance office in Milan, and an import terminal in Croatia. One significant effort involves producing green hydrogen economically in Piauí, Brazil. This location was chosen due to its potential for cost-effective production. The team plans to use ammonia as a transport vector for the hydrogen produced there. Green Energy Park focuses on creating an integrated value chain from production to end-user delivery. They also address logistical challenges of hydrogen distribution which currently lack infrastructure. Their Croatian deep-sea port will serve as a critical hub for this purpose. Their ambitious goal aligns with EU targets that aim for 18-24% power exchange through hydrogen by 2050; they plan on establishing a massive electrolyzer plant capable of producing 10.8 gigawatts or approximately 13.8 million tons of ammonia annually. Ultimately, their two flagship projects—Piauí and Kirk—represent their commitment not only towards innovative supply solutions but also diversifying sources geographically to ensure reliability and sustainability within the global energy market.

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Tobias Puklavec
Green Energy Park Global B. V.

Talk of session: Hydrogen Carriers, Transport, Storage and Energy Buffers

It is foreseeable, hydrogen and its derivatives will be shipped to Europe in the years to come and prompt the path of the energy carrier. What form will play what role amongst to option on the table? It still looks like an open race.

Further Talks of this session:

Welcome and Introduction


Olivier Bucheli
European Electrolyser & Fuel Cell Forum

To Talk

Decentralized Hydrogen to Distribution Gas Networks through Ammonia


Dr.-Ing. Hans-Peter Schmid
Managing Director
WS Reformer GmbH

To Talk

Transporting Hydrogen via LOHC - The Challenges and Economics


Ralf Ott
Head of Policy and Regulation
Hydrogenious Lohc Technologies GmbH

To Talk

Underground Hydrogen Storage in Salt Caverns


Gunnar Assmann
Projekt Lead Hydrogen Storage
Storengy Deutschland GmbH

To Talk

Continuous Electricity from Renewables via H2


Alexander Voigt

To Talk

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