Renewable Energy Jobs in Brazil - Career Opportunities and Challenges

Free Webinar

Thursday, October 24, 2024 I 11:00am BRT / 4:00pm CET I Webinar Language: Portuguese

The transition to renewable energy is creating a boom in green jobs. Brazil is one of the largest job creators in this segment, and with this pole position the opportunities, but also the challenges, are growing.

New energy sources require not only new equipment and innovative technologies. They also require people to operate them. To properly utilize the new energy sources, the largest expected job gains are in electrical efficiency, power generation, and the automotive sector.

In this webinar, we would like to highlight the opportunities and challenges facing potential employers and employees in the renewable energy sector in Brazil.

The recording and the speakers' presentations are available here .

Our Guests

Rubens Campos, Gerente do Departamento Técnico do Conselho Regional dos Técnicos Industriais do Estado de São Paulo

Telecommunications Technician with 30 years of experience at a major telecommunications company. Currently, he is responsible for the Technical areas of CRT-SP, including Supervision, Registration of Companies, Schools, and Professionals, as well as the Council's offices in other cities within the state of São Paulo.

Pedro Drumond, Coordenador Estadual em São Paulo, ABSOLAR - Associação Brasileira de Energia Solar Fotovoltaica

CEO of RH Renovaveis and coordinator of ABSOLAR in SP.
Electrical engineer, Master's and PhD in Energy Planning.
Working in the solar energy market since 2015.


Dra. Thais Crestani, Pesquisadora e Professora PUCRS - Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul

Professor of postgraduate courses, researcher for over 10 years in the area of photovoltaic solar energy and mother of Clara.
Bachelor's degree in chemistry, master's and doctorate in materials engineering and technology, with a postdoctorate at Unicamp in degradation of photovoltaic modules and currently a postdoctoral student at PUCRS researching new devices for generating solar energy.
Experience in the industry, as a researcher at a multinational manufacturer of national photovoltaic modules, in the development of new products and in degradation and quality tests of the devices.
Coordinator of the MESol Network (Brazilian Network of Women in Solar Energy) and participant in research projects on gender equity in the solar energy sector.

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