The MSP is the King of Smart Charging

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Recording of Thursday, June 20, 2024 | The smarter E Europe Exhibition Program 2024 | Exhibition Program | Language: English | Duration: 8:49 .

Michael Johanns of Deftpower Discusses EV Industry Challenges and Smart Charging Solutions at Conference

Michael Johanns of Deftpower introduces the company, emphasizing its role as a software-as-a-service (SaaS) provider in the electric vehicle (EV) mobility sector. Deftpower focuses on supporting mobility service providers by managing driver billing, car provision, and access to public charging. The company's vision is to optimize EV charging times to benefit both energy grids and consumers by shifting away from peak hours dominated by coal power plants. He discusses several use cases: 1. Spot Price Optimization: Implemented in Norway and the Netherlands, it allows drivers to switch energy suppliers without affecting their ability to optimize for spot prices. 2. Site Optimization: For mixed B2B sites with multiple chargers and renewable energy sources, they provide data integration that helps central controllers optimize site performance. 3. Dynamic Grid Tariff System: Set to launch soon in Norway with Volu Spark, this system offers tailored incentives based on grid congestion levels. Deftpower aims for broad collaboration across Europe using EU funding received through an acceleration fund, striving towards smarter charging solutions that reward flexibility while reducing strain on electrical grids during peak times.

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Talk of session: Empowering Consumers Through Demand-Side Flexibility

A decentralised, flexible energy system puts energy consumers at the fore-front of the clean energy transition. Through demand-side flexibility, consumers are able to adjust their consumption, store energy, and inject energy into the grid during peak moments, contributing to a more efficient and sustainable decarbonisation pathway. smartEn has calculated that, with help from flexible consumers, in 2030 the EU energy system could avoid 15.5 TWh in renewable energy curtailment, a 61% improvement compared to if no action is taken, and avoid investments in 60 GW of peak generation capacity, equivalent to 137 gas peaking plants, resulting in €2.7 billion saved annually. This session aims to deep-dive into how decentralised assets such as PV, Stationary and Mobile storage, amongst others, are key to reducing costs for consumers, increasing the uptake of renewables and solving grid congestion issues.

Further Talks of this session:

Welcome & Introduction

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Growth Strategies for Thriving Energy Communities

To Talk

Empowering Consumers Through Demand Side Flexibility

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Digital Services as a Way to Foster REs Sources (and EVs) Integration and the Development of New Local Energy Communities

To Talk

Cutting-Edge Demand Response Technologies

To Talk

How to Further Take Advantage of Flexibility for Additional Monetisation, New Markets and Grid Congestion Management

To Talk


To Talk

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