Recording of Thursday, June 20, 2024 | The smarter E Europe 2024 | Exhibition Program | Language: English | Duration: 10:48 .
Dr. Rudolf Konwitschny from Pfeiffer Vacuum presents on the specific topic of leak testing for bipolar plates in fuel cells. He begins by emphasizing the importance of regulations as a source of information, particularly in Germany. The relevant regulation mentions a permissible leak rate, typically five cubic centimeters per minute for repetitive tests, though this figure is often misapplied as an absolute standard. He explains that individual leakage rates must be converted considering dynamic viscosity differences between hydrogen (working gas) and helium (test gas), leading to stringent requirements. Additionally, safety factors are applied and values rounded downwards according to regulatory standards. Konwitschny contrasts regulatory approaches with market guidelines provided by entities such as VDMA Engineering Association and PEM Institute but notes these guidelines lack precise criteria or methodologies. Various alternative techniques like flow measurements and ultrasonic detection are briefly mentioned. The decision matrix he discusses indicates that vacuum testing with helium offers superior accuracy despite higher costs compared to other methods like pressure decay and flow measurement methods. Ultimately, Konwitschny highlights their developed test system designed during a collaborative project which accommodates thickness variation through innovative mechanical solutions to ensure effective leak detection in manufacturing processes.
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Dr. Rudolf Konwitschny
Market Segment Industry / Leak Detection Application Team
Pfeiffer Vacuum GmbH
Industrial/Product Live Pitches
Christopher Lenz
Business Development Manager
EnviroFALK PharmaWaterSystems GmbH
Hasret Varan
Sales & Business Development Manager -Power 2 Gas
SMA Altenso GmbH
Hyacinthe Flandrin
EMEA Sales Engineer Manager
LONGi Hydrogen