The Case for Green Ammonia and How to Build a Hydrogen Market

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Recording of Thursday, June 20, 2024 | The smarter E Europe Exhibition Program 2024 | Exhibition Program | Language: English | Duration: 23:23 .

Ammonia: The Future of Green Energy Across Marine, Aviation, and Power Sectors

This year marks a celebration of progress toward alternative energy sources, spurred initially by the 1974 oil price shock. Recent strides include the EU's hydrogen accelerator launched following Russia's invasion two years ago to enhance energy independence and supply. An advocate for solar energy and hydrogen over the past decades, I recently discovered ammonia as a promising green fuel. Ammonia can be produced using nitrogen from air and hydrogen from water with green electricity through the Haber-Bosch process. Ammonia serves as both a fertilizer and an explosive but is increasingly recognized for its potential in various applications due to its properties as a hydrogen carrier. For instance, Namibia could produce large quantities of hydrogen transported via ammonia. Innovative uses are emerging globally: AGC in Japan tested glass production using ammonia; Berke in the Netherlands developed steam boilers running on it; marine transport could switch from polluting bunker fuels to ammonia engines significantly reducing emissions, demanding tripling current global production; aviation potentially adopting jet engines running on ammonia would require similarly high increases in production. The power sector also sees potential, with Japan conducting tests co-firing pulverized coal plants with up to 20% ammonia aiming eventually at full conversion leading manufacturers like IHI, MHI, GE developing direct combustion gas turbines for efficient usage.

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Frank Wouters
MENA Hydrogen Alliance

Talk of session: Balance of Power - A Global Game for Hydrogen (International Markets and Distribution)

Hydrogen is both a domestic and international resource. Looking at the globe, where are the promised lands? What can they contribute to EU's energy economy? And what is Europe's role in this economy still to be built? After a keynote with global scope, the session presents selected countries with their ongoing projects or prospects.

Further Talks of this session:

Welcome and Introduction into the Session


Julia Seitz
Research Associate to the Division Director Hydrogen Technologies
Fraunhofer-Institute for Solar Energy Systems ISE

To Talk

Global Perspective of Hydrogen - Harvesting the Potential


Prof. Dr. Christopher Hebling
Director Division Hydrogen Technologies
Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems ISE

To Talk

Overview of the Hydrogen Market and Development in South America based on Brazil


Markus Vlasits
Managing Director

To Talk

International Hydrogen Ramp-Up Program (H2Uppp) for Early Green Hydrogen/ PtX Project Development with Business: Project Examples from Asia and Beyond


Eva Meschede
Advisor, H2Uppp - International Hydrogen Ramp-Up Program, implemented by
GIZ - Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit

To Talk

Q&A Round

To Talk

Further Content
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What's Next for the Future of Silicon Solar Cells?

The smarter E Podcast Episode 195 | Language: English

Oktober 17, 2024

We speak with Sebastian Bonilla and Matthew Wright about the latest advances in silicon solar cells, innovations and market trends

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Rapidly developing technologies and markets. Stay up to date with some of the best practices and applications in the market.

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