'Setting the Scene' From the Greening the Islands Initiative

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Recording of Wednesday, June 19, 2024 | The smarter E Europe 2024 | Conference Program | Language: English | Duration: 18:33 .

Islands as Renewable Energy Leaders: Malta Demonstrates Feasibility and Global Collaboration for 100% Sustainable Communities

The speaker from Malta highlights the potential of islands to lead in sustainable development and renewable energy. Despite challenges like climate change, he sees islands as unique opportunities to model 100% renewable communities on a small scale that can be replicated globally. His foundation focuses on advocacy, knowledge sharing, and cooperation through observatories and publications. They create roadmaps for transitioning island energy systems to 100% renewables by analyzing existing data, demand forecasts, and suitable technologies. Partnerships with institutions like the United Nations Division of Seeds help drive these initiatives forward. Initially studying three islands—Corazão, Rodrigues, and Tonga—they aim to expand involvement worldwide. Their methodology involves forming committees with local stakeholders (governments, utilities) ensuring broad support for chosen scenarios. Identifying feasible projects is key; they provide detailed plans matching projects with funding opportunities through public-private partnerships. Progress includes collaborations announced at Climate Week NYC and COP28 agreements aiming for comprehensive reports by COP29 in Baco.

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Gianni Chianetta
Greening the Islands Foundation

Talk of session: Off-Grid: Pioneering 100% Renewables: Opportunities and Challenges of Off-Grid in Island and Remote Environments

Small islands and remote areas contend with heightened costs in energy and its access, water, and waste, exacerbated by climate change. Scaling renewables, creating decentralized smart grids, and integrating storage solutions emerge as pivotal strategies to bolster resilience and spur socio-economic development. Islands and remote areas, serving as testbeds, exemplify the feasibility of decarbonization. This panel discussion provides a platform to delve into these specific insights from islands and remote areas, shedding light on the transformative role of renewables in empowering communities, accelerating transitions, and serving as models for sustainable development.

Further Talks of this session:

Welcome & Introduction


Lea Dunst
International Project Manager
BSW - German Solar Association

To Talk

Panel Discussion


David Wedepohl
Managing Director International Affairs
BSW - German Solar Association

Michael Schmidt
Deputy Head
UNIDO Investment and Technology Promotion Office Germany

Daniela Krahl
Senior Policy Officer
BMZ - Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development

Lisa R. Cummins
Minister of Energy and Business
Government of Barbados

Dr. Hamed Beheshti
Co-founder & CEO
Boreal Light GmbH

To Talk


To Talk

Next Day's Outlook


Lea Dunst
International Project Manager
BSW - German Solar Association

To Talk

Partners & Sponsors

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