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Recording of Wednesday, June 19, 2024 | The smarter E Europe 2024 | Conference Program | Language: English | Duration: 10:21 .

Experts Discuss Smart Grid Technologies, Geothermal Energy Potential, and Community Inclusion in Renewable Energy Transition on Islands

The context includes a discussion on smart grid technologies, renewable energy, and community involvement in the transition to sustainable power sources. The dialogue begins with questions about existing smart grid implementations in Barbados or similar regions. It is revealed that there are over 120,000 smart meters installed for water and electricity management, along with intelligent switches designed to improve the reliability of the distribution network by sensing faults and self-reorganizing. Further discussion touches upon geothermal energy potential in Caribbean islands like St. Kitts and Nevis, where new projects are being explored despite cost challenges. It's highlighted that successful deployment often requires substantial initial investments but offers stable long-term benefits. Moreover, there's an emphasis on upgrading regulations alongside technological advancements such as creating "energy communities" which optimize local resource usage including desalination plants within these networks. Finally, addressing community engagement is deemed crucial for advancing renewable projects like wind farms effectively. Involving locals through study tours and interpretation centers can ensure broader support and understanding of such initiatives at both macro- and micro-levels.

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Talk of session: Off-Grid: Pioneering 100% Renewables: Opportunities and Challenges of Off-Grid in Island and Remote Environments

Small islands and remote areas contend with heightened costs in energy and its access, water, and waste, exacerbated by climate change. Scaling renewables, creating decentralized smart grids, and integrating storage solutions emerge as pivotal strategies to bolster resilience and spur socio-economic development. Islands and remote areas, serving as testbeds, exemplify the feasibility of decarbonization. This panel discussion provides a platform to delve into these specific insights from islands and remote areas, shedding light on the transformative role of renewables in empowering communities, accelerating transitions, and serving as models for sustainable development.

Further Talks of this session:

Welcome & Introduction


Lea Dunst
International Project Manager
BSW - German Solar Association

To Talk

'Setting the Scene' From the Greening the Islands Initiative


Gianni Chianetta
Greening the Islands Foundation

To Talk

Panel Discussion


David Wedepohl
Managing Director International Affairs
BSW - German Solar Association

Michael Schmidt
Deputy Head
UNIDO Investment and Technology Promotion Office Germany

Daniela Krahl
Senior Policy Officer
BMZ - Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development

Lisa R. Cummins
Minister of Energy and Business
Government of Barbados

Dr. Hamed Beheshti
Co-founder & CEO
Boreal Light GmbH

To Talk

Next Day's Outlook


Lea Dunst
International Project Manager
BSW - German Solar Association

To Talk

Partners & Sponsors

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