Report Launch - Regional Market Development of Solar PV in Germany

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Recording of Tuesday, June 18, 2024 | The smarter E Europe 2024 | Conference Program | Language: English | Duration: 11:38 .

Insight into German PV and Battery Storage Market Development: Regional Analysis Highlights Significant Growth and Future Potential Across Federal States

The presented talk offers an in-depth analysis of the German PV (Photovoltaic) and battery storage market, focusing on regional developments at the federal state level. With 16 states in Germany, each has shown unique progress over recent years and distinct future prospects for photovoltaic installations. The report includes visual graphs highlighting trends such as the surge in ground-mounted PV systems without EG funding and significant growths like balcony PVs and battery system installations—5.5 GWh added just in 2023 alone. Notably, solar radiation varies from north to south, affecting installation types and capacities across different states. In Bavaria, for instance, there is a high cumulative rooftop capacity, while Brandenburg boasts larger average system sizes with substantial new additions planned by 2030. Additionally discussed are disparities between residential vs. commercial deployments along with federal targets aiming for up to a 200% increase by 2030 despite varying current integration levels among city-states like Hamburg or Berlin compared to others. Further insights include specific obligations requiring solar use on new or refurbished buildings enhancing potential even within smaller states indicating no excuse given their evaluated potentials.

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Dr. Christoph Kost
Head of Department Energy System Analysis
Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems ISE

Talk of session: Leading European PV Markets I: Deep Dive Germany - Understanding the Continent's Most Ambitious Solar Market

The German solar market has always played an outstanding role in the development of PV in Europe. The country has almost continually been the EU's largest market and operated nearly one third of the EU's solar power installations. But can the market grow fast enough and install more than 20 GW per year? This will be necessary to meet its ambitious target of 215 GW of solar capacity by 2030. This session will take a close look at:

  • Status of solar power in Germany today
  • Strategy for meeting the country's ambitious installation targets
  • Analysis of different market segments - residential,
  • C&I and utility-scale The German PV and Battery Storage Market

Further Talks of this session:

Welcome and German Solar Market Update


David Wedepohl
Managing Director International Affairs
BSW - German Solar Association

To Talk

Ground-Mount Solar's Growing Role in Germany - Through Auctions and Merchant Sales


Stefan Müller
Enerparc AG

To Talk

The Business Case of C&I After the Energy Crises


Dr. Dirk Haft
IBC Solar AG

To Talk

Addressing the Needs of the Residential Market


Erik Schöller
Chief Operating Officer

To Talk

Panel Discussion: How Realistic Are Germany's Ambitious Solar Installation Targets?

To Talk

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