Prolonging the Lifetime of Solar PV Through Module Reuse

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Recording of Thursday, December 12, 2024 | Sustainable Solar Europe 2024 | Language: English | Duration: 72:11 .

Prolonging the Lifetime of Solar PV Through Module Reuse

This session will discuss the development of a market for solar PV reuse in Europe. From decommissioning, testing and preparation of modules for second life, to a successful deployment of reused modules to a new site, there is a wide range of challenges and opportunities.

Building upon lessons learned from the Sustainable Solar report and End-of-Life Best Practice Guidelines published earlier this year, stakeholders from the public sector, industry and academia will discuss the current state of play and the way forward.


Bethany Meban
Head of Press & Policy Communications
SolarPower Europe


Jérémie Aimé
Head of Applied Systems Laboratory
French Alternative Energies & Atomic Energy Commission (CEA)

Nicolas Defrenne
Managing Director

Roger Nyffenegger
Bern University of Applied Sciences

Stefan Wippich
Managing Director
SecondSol GmbH

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