Demystifying Green H2

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Recording of Thursday, December 08, 2022 | The smarter E India Conference 2022 | Conference Program | Language: - | Duration: 00:00 .


Mux Narasimhan
Managing Director and CEO
GridChill Technologies (S) PTE LTD

Talk of session: Economics - When will Green Hydrogen Cost Touch US$ 1 /kg?

According to KPMG, the cost of green hydrogen can be as high as US$6 /kg. Reliance Industries has pledged to reduce it to US$1/kg by 2030. <br /><br />In this session we look at the<ul> <li>current cost comparison with other energy technologies</li> <li>Drivers of cost competitiveness of Green Hydrogen</li> </ul>

Further Talks of this session:

Challenges in Lowering Green Hydrogen Costs

02:00 pm - 03:30 pm


Alexander Hogeveen Rutter
Private Sector Development
International Solar Alliance (ISA)

To Talk

Hydrogen Economy- Scalability and its Impact

02:00 pm - 03:30 pm


Manav Gandhi
Unit Head - Industry Solutions
Siemens Ltd.

To Talk

Q&A Round

02:00 pm - 03:30 pm

To Talk

Realistic Path Towards a $1/kg Green Hydrogen Economy

02:00 pm - 03:30 pm


Santosh Gurunath
Co-Founder and CEO

To Talk

Speech Title to be confirmed

02:00 pm - 03:30 pm


Arunkumar A
Associate General Plant Manager

To Talk

Welcome and Introduction

02:00 pm - 03:30 pm


Madhavan Nampoothiri
Founder and Director
RESolve Energy Consultants

To Talk

Further Content
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Brazilian Hydrogen for the Domestic Market - Mapping of Key Applications and Areas of Competitiveness

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Brazil is a leading producer of agricultural commodities, but remains highly dependent on imports of fertilizers and other strategic inputs for the agricultural sector. This panel will focus on the use of green hydrogen for the production of low-carbon nitrogen fertilizers and other high priority applications for the domestic market.

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