Demand, Supply & Price Dynamics in Europe

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Recording of Tuesday, June 18, 2024 | The smarter E Europe 2024 | Conference Program | Language: English | Duration: 17:03 .

Photovoltaic Industry Faces Turbulent Demand and Supply Dynamics Amid Global Crises, Leading to Price Surges and Over-Stocking Issues

Daniel Schmitt from Memodo, a major European distributor of photovoltaics and renewable energy products, delivered an engaging presentation on the complex topic of demand, supply, and price dynamics in the PV industry. To simplify this intricate subject for his audience, Daniel used humor and visuals while reflecting on significant market events over recent years. The talk examined historical trends starting around 2010 when government policies like Germany's feed-in tariffs artificially inflated demand. A stable growth period followed until disruptive global events—the COVID-19 pandemic, Suez Canal blockage by Ever Given ship, and Ukraine war—caused unprecedented volatility in demand and prices. Post-crisis panic led consumers to rush orders for PV installations fearing further price hikes. Installers responded by placing large orders with distributors who then scaled up purchases from manufacturers worldwide. This frenzy resulted in skyrocketing prices as supply lagged behind surging demand. However, the bubble burst once stockpiled goods overwhelmed actual market need causing massive order cancellations. The experience underscored how rapid external shocks can distort economic fundamentals leading to unsustainable market conditions.

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Daniel Schmitt
Founder & CEO

Talk of session: Leading European PV Markets II: How to Keep Solar Momentum Growing After the Energy Crisis

After three consecutive years of more than 40 percent growth in the European solar market, the main drivers - the energy crisis and resilience support programs - no longer apply: energy prices have dropped to almost pre-pandemic levels. The key question is: How can we maintain the solar growth momentum across the continent, from major to emerging markets?This session will cover: Status of solar power demand in Europe Updated European installation forecasts through 2028 Obstacles & opportunities in leading and major emerging European solar markets

Further Talks of this session:

Welcome and Introduction


Josefin Berg
Associate Director
S&P Global

To Talk

European Market Outlook for Solar Power


Raffaele Rossi
Head of Market Intelligence
SolarPower Europe

To Talk

Panel With Executives of National Solar Associations of Leading Solar Markets


Wijnand van Hooff
Holland Solar
The Netherlands

Mariyana Yaneva
Vice Chair
APSTE - the Association for Production, Storage and Trading of Electricity

Paolo Rocco Viscontini
Italia Solare

José Donoso
General Director
Unión Española Fotovoltaica (UNEF)

Xavier Daval
kiloWattsol SAS

To Talk

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