Automated Panel Cleaning, Trend and Outlook

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Recording of Friday, December 09, 2022 | The smarter E India Conference 2022 | Conference Program | Language: - | Duration: 00:00 .


Nimish Jain
Chief Executive Officer
Airtouch Solar

Talk of session: Solar O&M - Maximising Life Time Value

The revenue generation of a solar asset depends on the O&amp;M. The end-of-life recycling of modules and other components is also becoming an area of concern, especially in the context of "Circular Economy".<br /><br /> In this session, the focus will be on the following topics.<ul> <li>Module Cleaning is an important aspect of O&amp;M, especially because a majority of solar projects are located in dusty areas like sites in Rajasthan. Water is a scarce resource but vital for cleaning of modules. We specifically focus on the advancements in robotic cleaners that not only optimise water usage, but also reduce manpower requirement for module cleaning.</li> <li>Some of the first set of solar plants commissioned in India are crossing their 10-year age mark. How has the O&amp;M costs increased over their life so far and what type of challenges can be expected for these plants?</li> <li>What are the challenges and opportunities in solar repowering and module recycling?</li> </ul>

Further Talks of this session:

Defect Identification of PV Modules by Lightning Drones

12:00 pm - 01:30 pm


Ramjan Pathan
Lightning Drones

To Talk

How Digital Transformation can be Leveraged to Manage the O&M of a Diverse and Remote Solar PV Portfolio and Maximise Energy Generation

12:00 pm - 01:30 pm


Puneet Jaggi
Chief Executive Officer
Prescinto Technologies

To Talk

How to Increase Solar Plant Performance and to Minimise Downtime - An Asset Owner Perspective

12:00 pm - 01:30 pm


A. Thirunarayanan
VP-QHSE & Asset Management
Enerparc Energy Pvt Ltd.

To Talk

Q&A Round

12:00 pm - 01:30 pm

To Talk

Revolutionary Solutions to Reduce Life Time Cost of Solar PV Plant O&M

12:00 pm - 01:30 pm


Dilip Kumar
Founder - Executive Director
Inspire Clean Energy

To Talk

Welcome and Introduction

12:00 pm - 01:30 pm


Gesche Maass
Conference Manager
Solar Promotion International GmbH

To Talk

Further Content
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Sebastian Bonilla and Matthew Wright
What's Next for the Future of Silicon Solar Cells?

The smarter E Podcast Episode 195 | Language: English

Oktober 17, 2024

We speak with Sebastian Bonilla and Matthew Wright about the latest advances in silicon solar cells, innovations and market trends

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Brazilian Hydrogen for the Domestic Market - Mapping of Key Applications and Areas of Competitiveness

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