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Conteúdo mais recente
Trend Paper
Tecnologias Eletrolíticas

28 de abril de 2023
Com a previsão de aumento na demanda por hidrogênio de baixo carbono, será essencial conhecer as vantagens e desvantagens de cada tipo de eletrolisador de modo a possibilitar decisões inteligentes de investimento.

Download now!

Download the "Intersolar Solarize Africa Market Report 2023"

This third report in the "Solarize Africa Market Report" series investigates current developments on the African continent in general and 16 African national PV markets in detail.

Expert Interview
“We Need To Reach Even More People”

June 2, 2023
How can citizen participation in the energy transition be increased and what role does the Solarenergie-Förderverein Geramny play in this?

Start-up Interview
Start-up Presents PPA Analysis Tool

June 2, 2023
Start-up Synertics explains PPA analysis tool and highlights PPA market in Europe.

O próspero mercado fotovoltaico brasileiro – Oportunidades e desafios

O mercado solar fotovoltaico brasileiro obteve um notável crescimento nos últimos dez anos. Só este ano, empreendedores brasileiros já instalaram pelo menos 2,1 GW em geração distribuída e mais de 1,3 GW em geração centralizada.

Expert Interview
Distributed Energy Resources & Consumer Empowering

June 1, 2023
Anne Nysaether, Elvia, and Michael Villa, smartEn, give a brief outlook on their EM-Power Europe Conference session.

Start-up Story
Energy Management – All-Inclusive Rather Than Bed and Breakfast

May 31, 2023
Energy management system by EnExpert, an Italian start-up company, helps hotels and industrial companies lower their energy costs.

Industry News
Green Electricity Between Heaven and Earth

May 31, 2023
Munich’s electricity consumption is to be notionally completely green from 2025. The ecological heating transition is set to be completed by 2040.

Photovoltaic – A Viable Option for Reducing the Carbon Footprint of Medium and Large Companies

May 30, 2023
The panelists will present steps to be taken to accelerate the adoption of photovoltaic systems in medium and large companies in Mexico, considering the possible options in the current legal framework (isolated supply and distributed generation) and based on the requirements in the industry to reduce the carbon footprint.

Situação atual da infraestrutura de carregamento e seu impacto na evolução da eletromobilidade no Brasil

O setor de transportes brasileiro responde por cerca de 38% das emissões de gases de efeito estufa no país. Trata-se, portanto, de um elemento central na transição energética e delineia um âmbito fundamental em relação à descarbonização, à medida em que cresce a importância da eletromobilidade no Brasil.

Industry News
Tailwinds for the Transformation of Municipal Utilities

May 24, 2023
What challenges do utilities face? And how can they best master them?

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Study "PV Battery Power Plants in Europe – Status, Trends and Potentials"

The study provides an insight into the status of PV battery power plants in Europe.

Expert Interview
A Holistic View of the Energy Transition

May 23, 2023
Interview with Christian Schorn, Director of Asset Operations, TransnetBW GmbH, about the EM-Power Europe Conference.

PV Battery Power Plants in Europe: Status, Trends and Potentials

May 25, 2023
The webinar provides an insight into the status of these PV battery power plants in Europe.

Italy back on track with gigawatt market

May 22, 2023
PV market in Italy with dynamic growth rates again thanks to Superbonus 110 tax credit scheme

Expert Interview
“Exciting developments in the battery sector”

May 22, 2023
Johannes Weniger (HTW) explains the latest developments for combination solutions photovoltaics and battery storage.

Industry News
Unearthing the Power Grid’s Treasure

May 22, 2023
Why demand-side flexibility is so important for the energy transition.

Industry News
Sunny Outlooks for a Turbulent Expansion

May 19, 2023
The EM-Power Europe presents how to achieve the intelligent interaction of solar and wind turbines, electric vehicles and power to heat in a smart grid.

Industry News
PV, Storage, E-Mobility: Great Opportunities for the Electrical Trade

May 15, 2023
Great opportunitiesfor the electrical trade to be seized: Amid the process of decarbonization and sector coupling, photovoltaics (PV), energy storage systems and electromobility are gaining traction.

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33. Symposium Solarthermie und innovative Wärmesysteme
Regelungsverfahren für Eisspeichern in kalten Netzen - Ergebnisse des Projekts Sol4City

Donnerstag, 11. Mai 2023, 12:00 - 12:20 Uhr
RRalf Dott, Req. Engineer HP-Systems / Commercial Projects, Viessmann Climate Solutions SE, Allendorf (Eder)

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33. Symposium Solarthermie und innovative Wärmesysteme
Anergy2Plus - Demonstration und Ausbau eines Anergienetzes als Teil eines ganzheitlichen Energiekonzeptes und Plusenergiequartiers

Donnerstag, 11. Mai 2023, 11:40 - 12:00 Uhr
Lorenz Leppin, Projektleiter und wiss. Mitarbeiter, AEE INTEC  Gleisdorf  Österreich

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33. Symposium Solarthermie und innovative Wärmesysteme
Wärmeversorgung eines Neubaugebietes mit Grundwasser als Wärmequelle: Vergleich von Niedertemperatur- und kalter Nahwärme

Donnerstag, 11. Mai 2023, 11:20 - 11:40 Uhr
Hagen Braas, wiss. Mitarbeiter, Universität Kassel

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33. Symposium Solarthermie und innovative Wärmesysteme
Solare Trocknung, sehr hohe Jahresenergieerträge, solarkompatible Prozesse

Donnerstag, 11. Mai 2023, 10:10 - 10:30 Uhr
Dr. Georg Hubmer, Leiter Forschung und Entwicklung,  CONA Entwicklungs- und Handelsgesellschaft, Ried im Traunkreis

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33. Symposium Solarthermie und innovative Wärmesysteme
Umsetzungserfahrungen aus vier aktuellen Solargroßanlagenprojekten in Österreich und der USA

Donnerstag, 11. Mai 2023, 09:50 - 10:10 Uhr
Bernhard Gerardts, F&E Projektleiter; International grant manager,  SOLID Solar Energy Systems, Graz  Österreich

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33. Symposium Solarthermie und innovative Wärmesysteme
Standardisiertes Engineering von Leistungsübergabestationen für Prozesswärme

Donnerstag, 11. Mai 2023, 09:30 - 09:50 Uhr
Dirk Krüger, wiss. Mitarbeiter und Projektleiter,  Institut für Solarforschung  DLR  Köln

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33. Symposium Solarthermie und innovative Wärmesysteme
Solare Prozesswärme als Schlüsseltechnologie der industriellen Dekarbonisierung -Positionspapier IEA SHC Task 64

Donnerstag, 11. Mai 2023, 09:10 - 09:30 Uhr
Wolfgang Gruber-Glatzl, wiss. Mitarbeiter, AEE INTEC, Gleisdorf  Österreich

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33. Symposium Solarthermie und innovative Wärmesysteme
Neues Solarreaktorkonzept zur photo-elektrochemischen Umwandlung von Abwasser in neue Energievektoren

Donnerstag, 11. Mai 2023, 08:45 - 09:05 Uhr
Sarah Meitz, wiss. Mitarbeiterin,  AEE INTEC, Gleisdorf  Österreich

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33. Symposium Solarthermie und innovative Wärmesysteme
Auswirkungen der Energiepreisinflation auf die wirtschaftliche Bewertung industrieller Abwärme-Großwärmepumpen

Mittwoch, 10. Mai 2023, 17:05 - 17:25 Uhr
Mateo Jesper, wiss. Mitarbeiter, Universität Kassel

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33. Symposium Solarthermie und innovative Wärmesysteme
Industrielle Wärmeversorgung durch die Kombination von Solarthermie, PV/PVT und der Rotationswärmepumpe

Mittwoch, 10. Mai 2023, 16:45 - 17:05 Uhr
Andreas Längauer, Simulationsingenieur, ecop Technologies GmbH, Neuhofen an der Krems  Österreich

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33. Symposium Solarthermie und innovative Wärmesysteme
Hocheffiziente Wärmeerzeugung mit tiefer Erdwärmesonde, effizienter Niederhub-Wärmepumpe und optimierter Wärmeverteilung

Mittwoch, 10. Mai 2023, 16:25 - 16:45 Uhr
Alexander Schmitt, wiss. Mitarbeiter, OST - Ostschweizer Fachhochschule,Rapperswil  Schweiz

Webinários recomendados
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Acervo de webinários
Os referenciais do setor de energia renovável: Destaques do Pólo Latino-americano de Inovações para a Nova Realidade Energética

1 de agosto de 2024
Os congressos The smarter E South America 2024 Intersolar, ees, Power2Drive e Eletrotec+EM-Power visam estabelecer um referencial para o setor de energia renovável, abordando os avanços do mercado e os desafios e oportunidades técnicas e regulatórias.

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Acervo de webinários
Infraestrutura de recarga de veículos elétricos no Brasil – Desafios e perspectivas

27 de junho de 2024
A presença de veículos elétricos já é uma realidade no panorama automotivo brasileiro. Segundo a Associação Brasileira de Veículos Elétricos, em 2023 já se registravam 93.900 unidades, representando um crescimento de 91% em relação a 2022. Essa expansão vem acompanhada de uma diversificação de marcas e modelos no mercado.

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Acervo de webinários
Empregos em energia renovável no Brasil – Oportunidades e desafios da carreira

24 de outubro de 2024
As novas fontes de energia exigem não apenas novos equipamentos e tecnologias inovadoras, mas também pessoal capacitado. Prevê-se que a operacionalização adequada dessas novas fontes criará empregos principalmente em eficiência elétrica, em geração de energia e no setor automotivo.

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Webinar Collection
European Energy Communities: Sector Coupling, Flexibility, and Operational Perspectives

Energy communities, through which citizens can jointly own, democratically control, and self-consume local energy, are increasingly emerging.

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Webinar Collection
Electric Truck Charging – The Next Big Challenge

Join us as we uncover the core EU objectives for electric truck charging build-out and navigate through the intricate challenges linked to grid infrastructure.

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Webinar Collection
Beyond Boundary Meters

The webinar will present use cases for both sub-meters and dedicated measurement devices, clarify their distinguishing features and different use.

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Webinar Collection
Brazilian Green Hydrogen – what to expect in 2024?

Green hydrogen is poised to transform many sectors of the global economy in the coming years, including industry, logistics and energy. Brazil is uniquely positioned to become a leading global supplier of green hydrogen, due to its highly competitive solar and wind resources, among other decisive factors.

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Webinar Collection
Charging Infrastructure and Charging Use Cases at a Glance – Market Segmentation, Charging Personas, Success Factor

May 16, 2024
Webinar on charging infrastructure

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Webinar Collection
Charging Infrastructure for Electric Vehicles in Brazil – Challenges and Prospects

May 16, 2024
The presence of electric vehicles is already a reality on the Brazilian automotive scene. In this webinar we would like to shed a light on the challenges and prospects on the charging infrastructure and the E-mobility market in Brazil.

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Webinar Collection
Market Study – The German PV and Battery Storage Market

July 30, 2024
Join us for this webinar to gain insights into the current state of solar energy in Germany and the strategies needed to achieve these ambitious targets.

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Webinar Collection
Setting the benchmark for the renewable energy industry – Highlights of LATAM’s Innovation Hub for the New Energy World

July 25, 2024
The smarter E South America 2024 Conferences Intersolar, ees, Power2Drive and Eletrotec+EM-Power, aim to set the benchmark for the renewable energy industry. They address market development, technical and regulatory challenges and opportunities, and feature expert presentations on a variety of topics including solar energy, grid infrastructure, energy storage, green hydrogen and electric mobility.

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Webinar Collection
The Promising Growth Outlook of Energy Storage in Brazil and Mexico

July 18, 2024
Despite the exponential growth of the global energy storage market, Latin America has not yet emerged as a significant player. Currently, the largest energy storage projects in the region are being implemented in Chile.

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Accelerating C&I: Unlocking Growth in Commercial & Industrial Solar

January 16, 2025
The field of agrivoltaics (Agri-PV) is growing increasingly in Germany and in France. The level of interest from players in agriculture, energy supply and research is rising sharply.

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Webinar Collection
Outlook of the Mexican solar market in Sheinbaum's era

January 30, 2025
Kick off 2025 with Intersolar Mexico’s webinar: “Outlook of the Mexican Solar Market in Sheinbaum’s Era.” Explore how Sheinbaum’s leadership could shape policies, investments, and opportunities in Mexico’s solar sector. Tailored for companies navigating this evolving market.

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Webinar Collection
Solarpaket 1 im Bundestag – Worauf sollte ich mich als Solarunternehmen oder Solarinstallateur schon jetzt einstellen?

5. Oktober 2023
Fachreferenten des BSW-Bundesverbandes Solarwirtschaft berichten brandaktuell aus dem Bundestag.

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Webinar Collection
Blick auf den aktuellen Stand und Entwicklung der Elektromobilität

Diese Veranstaltung ist auf Interessierte und Experten im Bereich der Elektromobilität zugeschnitten und bietet einen tiefen Einblick in die aktuellen Entwicklungen sowie zukünftige Trends in diesem dynamischen Sektor.

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Webinar Collection
Fuhrpark der Zukunft – Bedeutung für die Elektromobilität und die Rolle des Gesamtsystems Ladeinfrastruktur

Bedeutung für die Elektromobilität und die Rolle des Gesamtsystems Ladeinfrastruktur

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Webinar Collection
Wärmepumpe, Wallbox & Batteriespeicher: Was bedeutet die Neuregelung von §14a EnWG in der Praxis?

14. Mai 2024
Webinar zur Neuregelung von §14a EnWG

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Webinar Collection
Solarpaket 1 – Worauf sollte ich mich als Solarunternehmen oder Solarinstallateur einstellen?

30. April 2024
Fachreferenten des BSW-Bundesverbandes Solarwirtschaft berichten brandaktuell aus dem Bundestag.

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Webinar Collection
Energy with Beauty – Photovoltaik in der Fassade

23. Juli 2024
Trotz beeindruckender Zubauraten bei der Photovoltaik, stehen wir noch am Anfang der Transformation unseres Energiesystems in Richtung CO2-Neutralität. Wir werden noch sehr viel mehr Fläche benötigen, um PV-Module unterzubringen.

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Archivo de webinars
Tendencias en regulación de la generación solar distribuida

27 de febrero de 2024
Actualízate en temas de regulación para proyectos de generación solar distribuida de la mano de Gilberto Sánchez de la ANES y de Claudia González de Green Kiin.

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Archivo de webinars
El litio y las alternativas a las baterías en México

23 de abril de 2024
En este webinar abordaremos la importancia del litio en el desarrollo del mercado de baterías, los aspectos críticos de las reservas de litio para abastecer la demanda global, así como el papel estratégico de este mineral en México.

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Archivo de webinars
Reduciendo emisiones de carbono con solar térmica

22 de marzo de 2024
Conoce las últimas tendencias y novedades del sector solar térmico en México de la mano de Daniel García y Marisol Oropeza, y aprovecha al máximo todas las oportunidades que ofrece este dinámico mercado. of all the opportunities offered by this dynamic market.

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Webinar Collection
¿Cómo vamos con el Plan Sonora?

21 de mayo de 2024
En este webinar el Dr. Rafael Cabanillas, titular de la Dirección de Energía de la Secretaría de Economía del Gobierno del Estado de Sonora, presentará los avances, retos y logros del Plan Sonora incluyendo detalles sobre la planta de Puerto Peñasco y el Programa Social de Generación Solar Distribuida.

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Archivo de webinars
La importancia de la certeza técnica en el sector solar

13 de agosto de 2024
Abordaremos, desde la perspectiva del Colegio de Ingenieros, cual es la importancia de detonar la profesionalización del sector, así como vincular la certeza técnica con los proyectos, programas y usuarios residenciales, comerciales, industriales, públicos y privados para el desarrollo del sector solar.

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Archivo de webinars
Mujeres solares: Claves para el futuro empresarial

25 de junio de 2024
En este webinar se presentarán historias de éxito de mujeres líderes y estrategias para incorporar prácticas de igualdad en las empresas.

Estudos / Whitepapers / Entrevistas recomendados
Trend Paper
Tecnologias Eletrolíticas

28 de abril de 2023
Com a previsão de aumento na demanda por hidrogênio de baixo carbono, será essencial conhecer as vantagens e desvantagens de cada tipo de eletrolisador de modo a possibilitar decisões inteligentes de investimento.

Download now

Download the Study "Steel from Solar Energy"

This study provides a techno-economic assessment of green steel manufacturing.

Free Download

Download the "MENA Outlook Report 2022"

The Middle East and Africa Outlook Report 2022 looks into the current state of energy trends in the Middle East and Africa and the overall health of the sector at large.

Italy back on track with gigawatt market

May 22, 2023
PV market in Italy with dynamic growth rates again thanks to Superbonus 110 tax credit scheme

Expert Interview
“Exciting developments in the battery sector”

May 22, 2023
Johannes Weniger (HTW) explains the latest developments for combination solutions photovoltaics and battery storage.

Industry News
PV, Storage, E-Mobility: Great Opportunities for the Electrical Trade

May 15, 2023
Great opportunitiesfor the electrical trade to be seized: Amid the process of decarbonization and sector coupling, photovoltaics (PV), energy storage systems and electromobility are gaining traction.

Download for free

Study "PV Battery Power Plants in Europe – Status, Trends and Potentials"

The study provides an insight into the status of PV battery power plants in Europe.

Expert Interview
“New technologies provide vast potential”

May 10, 2023
Competitive advantages photovoltaic production in Europe, innovations on the PV market, location factors

Expert Interview
The Challenges and Opportunities of Charging at Work

April 19, 2023
The Fraunhofer IAO project LamA® - Charging at Work aims to make mobility future-proof, more efficient and more cost-effective. In this interview, Felix Tröscher from the IAO reveals details about the project and gives tips on how charging at the workplace works.

Industry News
E-Mobility Deployment and Impact on European Transmission and Distribution Grids

April 17, 2023
This White Paper presents an integrated analysis to identify the most relevant impacts of E-mobility on current energy systems.

Expert Interview
What will happen at the PV Manufacturing Stage?

May 02, 2023
Dr. Puzant Baliozian, VDMA Photovoltaic Equipment, explains the highlights of the PV Manufacturing Stage at Intersolar Europe 2023

Expert Interview
"We Automate Grid Expansion Using Robotic Process Automation"

April 21, 2023
René Lenzin, BKW AG, explains how the Swiss utility is driving the digitalization of the power grid.

Start-up Interview
“Solar Power Will Lower Gas Consumption During the Summer”

April 25, 2023
Start-up interview with Knut Hechtfischer, CEO at decarbon1ze, on using excess renewable power for heating

Trend Paper
Installation Figures for new Solar Storage Systems on the Rise Throughout Europe

March 20, 2023
In recent years, there have already been enough good reasons to invest in storage systems for self-generated solar power. Nevertheless, the arguments for installing storage systems have gained even more importance in the past year.

Start-up Story
“Sector coupling requires the integration of different data sources”

March 15, 2023
Interview with Stefan Rensberg, Co-Founder of Streamergy.

Expert Interview
“We Need to Kickstart Production Now”

April 3, 2023
We talked with Dr. Marcus Rennhofer, Senior Scientist at the AIT Austrian Institute of Technology, and Prof. Dr. Andreas Bett, Director of the Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems ISE and Professor at the University of Freiburg.

Know what to Expect – Accurate Yield and Consumption Forecasts with AI

April 06, 2023
Artificial intelligence is continuously improving the accuracy of electricity yield and consumption forecasts. This will help to better coordinate decentralized renewable energies systems.

Expert Interview
“Making the Distribution Grid Future-Proof”

March 13, 2023
Interview with Andreas Neuhauser, Head of Communications at illwerke vkw on e-mobility and grid development

Industry News
E-Mobility Provides Immense Opportunity for Installers

March 22, 2023
In a recent EUPD Research study, over 800 installers were surveyed on the installation of charging infrastructure. E-mobility offers a lot of potential here.

Industry News
Sunny Outlooks for a Turbulent Expansion

May 19, 2023
The EM-Power Europe presents how to achieve the intelligent interaction of solar and wind turbines, electric vehicles and power to heat in a smart grid.

Industry News
Unearthing the Power Grid’s Treasure

May 22, 2023
Why demand-side flexibility is so important for the energy transition.

Start-up Story
Energy Management – All-Inclusive Rather Than Bed and Breakfast

May 31, 2023
Energy management system by EnExpert, an Italian start-up company, helps hotels and industrial companies lower their energy costs.

Expert Interview
A Holistic View of the Energy Transition

May 23, 2023
Interview with Christian Schorn, Director of Asset Operations, TransnetBW GmbH, about the EM-Power Europe Conference.

Industry News
Tailwinds for the Transformation of Municipal Utilities

May 24, 2023
What challenges do utilities face? And how can they best master them?

Expert Interview
Distributed Energy Resources & Consumer Empowering

June 1, 2023
Anne Nysaether, Elvia, and Michael Villa, smartEn, give a brief outlook on their EM-Power Europe Conference session.

Industry News
Green Electricity Between Heaven and Earth

May 31, 2023
Munich’s electricity consumption is to be notionally completely green from 2025. The ecological heating transition is set to be completed by 2040.

Market Trend
Generation Capacity for Green Hydrogen to Rise Rapidly

March 13, 2023
By 2030, the EU member states, Norway and the UK want to expand their electrolysis capacity from today’s 143 megawatts (MW) to 138 gigawatts (GW).

Expert Interview
“We Need To Reach Even More People”

June 2, 2023
How can citizen participation in the energy transition be increased and what role does the Solarenergie-Förderverein Geramny play in this?

Start-up Interview
Start-up Presents PPA Analysis Tool

June 2, 2023
Start-up Synertics explains PPA analysis tool and highlights PPA market in Europe.

Industry News
The BMWK’s Photovoltaics Strategy: German Federal Government Presents Policies

June 26, 2023
BMWK presents strategy paper for the expansion of photovoltaics in May 2023

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