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Aufzeichnung vom Mittwoch, 19. Juni 2024 | The smarter E Europe 2024 | Messeprogramm | Sprache: English | Länge: 11:23 .

SunBrush Innovation's Daniel Moser Discusses the Importance and Techniques of Cleaning PV Systems Using Their Innovative Washtronic Technology at Industry Exhibition."

Daniel Moser from SunBrush mobil GmbH discusses the importance of cleaning photovoltaic (PV) systems to maintain their efficiency and avoid damage. His company, SunBrush mobil , specializes in cleaning PV panels in large solar parks using an innovative system called Washtronic. Daniel outlines why cleaning is crucial: it prevents energy loss due to shading caused by soiling agents like snow, sand, bird droppings, and ammonia on farm rooftops; avoids physical damage such as corrosion and electrical hot spots; and helps retain warranties by performing regular maintenance. He explains different types of soiling that affect PV systems—snow significantly impacts efficiency while sand poses a problem both in arid regions globally and occasionally even in Germany due to Sahara dust storms. Bird droppings cause shading issues too, whereas ammonia from farming environments can be particularly corrosive. Finally, Daniel addresses the economic aspect with a break-even analysis for cleaning based on feed-in tariffs per region and installation year. He shows how larger parks require less frequent cleanings but still benefit economically despite slight unevenness challenges handled effectively by their proprietary Washtronic system designed to prevent brush-induced panel damage during operation across rough terrains.

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Vortrag aus der Session: Darf´s etwas mehr sein? Neuigkeiten bei PV-Großanlagen (zum Teil in Deutsch oder Englisch)

Großanlagen entwickeln sich rasant, innovative Anwendungen in diesem Bereich erhalten Einzug: Hybridanlagen kombinieren PV mit Wind oder Batterien oder beidem, Floating PV nutzt Wasserflächen als Anlagenstandort. Diese Session zeigt dazu Projekte wie Sukari, die größte Off-Grid-Hybridanlage der Welt und die größte Floating PV-Anlage Europas. Ebenso werden die neuesten Trends aus Projektentwicklung, EPC, O&M und Asset Management vorgestellt.

Weitere Vorträge aus dieser Session:

JUWI-Referenzprojekt Sukari: Das größte Off-Grid Hybridkraftwerk der Welt

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Vorteile von Hybridprojekten - Kombination von PV mit anderen erneuerbaren Technologien

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String Inverters - the Future of Utility Scale Battery Systems

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Schneller PV Anlagen planen mithilfe von Drohnen und KI

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Der Bau des größten europäischen Floating-Solarprojekts: +73MWp in Frankreich

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