All Episodes of The smarter E Podcast 2021

The smarter E podcast is all about the current trends and developments in a renewable, decentralized and digital energy industry. Our moderators Tobias Bücklein and Zackes Brustik welcome and interview personalities who shape our industry and drive developments forward. A new episode is published every Thursday.

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The smarter E Podcast Episodes 2021

Disruption der E-Mobilität – Tesla als Wegbereiter

Episode 76 with Christoph Krachten, science journalist and bestselling author of the book "Tesla or how Elon Musk is revolutionizing electromobility".


Dynamic Change in the Storage Market: Developments, Trends & Challenges

Episode 75 with Anil Srivastava, Chief Executive Officer, Leclanché


Neue Bundesregierung gleich Neue Energiewelt? Das erwartet uns 2022

Episode 74 with Joachim Goldbeck, CEO of Goldbeck Solar GmbH


Wasserstoff - Dekarbonisierung des Gebäudesektors – Warum wir es uns nicht leisten können, ihn nicht zu haben

Episode 73 with Leonie Assheuer, EU Affairs Manager at Viessmann.


Renewable Energy Market Middle East: Status, Trends & Recommendations

Episode 72 with Benjamin Attia, Senior Research Analyst, Energy Transition Practice, Wood Mackenzie Power & Renewables.


Durchblick bei Ladesystemen: Welche Förderungen werden angeboten?

Episode 71 with Conrad Hammer, head of the Federal-Länder-Municipal Coordination and the Funding team at the National Charging Infrastructure Control Center in Berlin


Green Hydrogen Manifesto: Europe as a Role Model for Hydrogen Introduction

Episode 70 with Jorgo Chatzimarkakis, CEO of Hydrogen Europe


Wie kann sich Deutschland selbst mit erneuerbarer Energie versorgen?

Episode 69 with Ove Petersen, co-founder of GP JOULE and current CEO of the group


PANEL DISKUSSION: Vehicle2Grid als GameChanger der Neuen Energiewelt

Episode 68 with Niklas Schirmer (Elli, Volkswagen Group Charging GmbH), Marcus Fendt, (The Mobility House), Rüdiger Freimann, (Erwin Hymer Group SE), Tillmann Laux (Sono Motors) and Markus Emmert (Bundesverband eMobilität e.V. / BEM)


Battery Production in Europe – an Important Corner Stone of our Future Economy

Episode 67 with Gery Bonduelle, FREYR


Virtuelle Kraftwerke – Erneuerbarer Strom zu jeder Zeit

Episode 66 with Simon Schweda, EnBW


Stromspeicher im Netz: Evolution statt Revolution

Episode 65 with Hans Urban


Florida-Eis Manufaktur – So geht "Klimaneutrale" Produktion

Episode 64 with Olaf Höhn, Florida-Eis


Vehicle-integrated Photovoltaics (VIPV): Flexible Solar Modules for More Power

Episode 63 with Dr. Martin Heinrich, Fraunhofer ISE


European Green Hydrogen sector – Where is the journey taking us?

Episode 62 with Thomas Chrometzka, Enapter


Fuhrpark: Wie sich Elektroautos in die Flotte integrieren lassen

Episode 61 with Heiko Luft, EnBW


What Role does Blockchain Play in the Energy World Now and in the Future?

Episode 60 with Sebnem Rusitschka, Blockchain Bundesverband | Freelio


Bauwerkintegrierte Photovoltaik (BIPV) – energetisch sinnvolle Fassadennutzung

Episode 59 with Dr. Björn Rau, the Advisory Office for Building Integrated Photovoltaics (BAIP)


Paths to Zero Emission Mobility

Episode 58 with Dr. Sandra Wappelhorst, International Council on Clean Transportation (ICCT) and Lisa Bolin, Polestar


Erneuerbarer Wasserstoff dank Solar-Wind-Hybridkraftwerken?

Episode 57 with Dr. Raphael Niepelt, Institute for Solar Energy Research (ISFH)


European Transmission and Distribution Systems – Ready for Smart Grids

Episode 56 with Dr. Michael Weinhold, Siemens Smart Infrastructure


Wege zum klimaneutralen Unternehmen

Episode 55 with Wolfgang Saam, Climate Protection Companies and Prof. Jens Hesselbach, University Kassel


Renewable Energy Markets: What Europe can learn from California

Episode 54 with Bernadette Del Chiaro, California Solar & Storage Association


100% Erneuerbare Energien für Deutschland bis 2030?

Episode 53 with Hans-Josef Fell, President at the Energy Watch Group


Neues Klimaschutzgesetz und seine Auswirkungen – was kann die Politik & Wirtschaft tun?

Episode 52 with Prof. Dr. Hans-Martin Henning, Fraunhofer ISE


Fight Against Climate Crisis: Effective Strategies for Companies

Episode 51 with Nicolas Schuerhoff, right. based on science


Stand und Perspektiven des Recyclings von Lithium-Ionen-Batterien

Episode 50 with Prof. Dr. Achim Kampker, RWTH Aachen


Wärmewende: Wie können Quartierskonzepte und Contracting gut zusammenspielen?

Episode 49 with Tobias Dworschak, vedec


Technologien und Innovationen am Solarmarkt – was bringt die Zukunft?

Episode 48 with Andreas Bett, Fraunhofer ISE


Renewable Energy and Jobs – What Prospects Does the Market Offer?

Episode 47 with Michael Renner, IRENA


What Impact will Sustainable Batteries Have on the Market?

Episode 46 with Florian Mayr, Apricum


Agrivoltaics – Synergistic Production of Food and Energy

Episode 45 with Max Trommsdorff, Fraunhofer ISE


Netzunabhängig in den Urlaub – Was können emissionsfreie e-Trailer?

Episode 44 with Markus Emmert, BEM & Dr. Rüdiger Freimann, Erwin Hymer Group


Customers Benefiting from Flexibility?

Episode 43 with Dr. Paul Troughton, Enel X & SmartEn


Innovative Solarspeichertechnologien erobern den Markt – Evolution statt Revolution

Episode 42 with Carsten Körnig, BSW & Stefan Krokowski, LG Energy Solution


Off-Grid PV: New Ways for Climate Protection & Power Supply

Episode 41 with David Lecoque, Alliance of Rural Electrification (ARE)


Gibt es bald eine Art AirBnB für Ladesäulen?

Episode 40 with Konrad Benze, Chargehere & Johannes Brodführer, eliso


European Hydrogen Market Set to Explode

Episode 39 with Alexander Esser, Aurora Energy Research


Wie wird Tübingen bis 2030 klimaneutral, Boris Palmer?

Episode 38 with Boris Palmer, Lord Mayor, University City of Tübingen


Vehicle-to-Grid: Bidirectional Charging Brings CO2 Saving Potential

Episode 37 with Prof. Dr. Dietmar Göhlich, Mobility2Grid


Spirit of Optimism in European PV Markets

Episode 36 with Michael Schmela, SolarPower Europe


Elektromobilität 2020: Strohfeuer oder Durchbruch?

Episode 35 with Marcus Fendt, The Mobility House & Checrallah Kachouh, Compleo


The Role of Cogeneration in the New Energy World

Episode 34 with Hans Korteweg, COGEN Europe


Wie weit sind wir bei der Nutzung von grünem Wasserstoff?

Episode 33 with Jeanette Uhlig, dena


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