Welcome & Introduction: Financing Utility-Scale Storage: Where is Equity Heading Next, and Where Does Debt Belong?

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Recording of Wednesday, June 14, 2023 | The smarter E Europe Conference 2023 | Conference Program | Language: English | Duration: 4:46 .


Charles Lesser
Apricum - The Cleantech Advisory

Talk of session: Financing Utility-Scale Storage: Where is Equity Heading Next, and Where Does Debt Belong?

There is plenty of equity available for financing grid-scale storage across Europe. Projects no longer need to adapt their commercial models to accommodate debt. This panel session examines which national markets are particularly exciting for equity investors, and which revenue streams and project maturities can justify the use of leverage.

Further Talks of this session:

Panel Discussion

To Talk


Lori Qin
Vice President
BlackRock Climate Infrastructure

Carol Kort
Director Project Finance Renewables
The Netherlands

Radu Gruescu
Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners

Jon Ferris
Head of Flexibility and Storage
LCP Delta

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