Welcome & Introduction: Technology is Driving the Battery Business: Current Trends and Developments

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Recording of Tuesday, June 13, 2023 | The smarter E Europe Conference 2023 | Conference Program | Language: English | Duration: 4:39 .


Dr.-Ing. Matthias Vetter
Head of Department Electrical Energy Storage
Fraunhofer-Institut für Solare Energiesysteme

Talk of session: Technology is Driving the Battery Business: Current Trends and Developments

Technology is the key to battery storage markets developing at a rapid pace. Just look at the way system costs have dropped drastically in recent years as a result of progress in the development of battery materials and battery cells and advancement in storage system technology.In the diverse stationary markets in particular, opportunities for technological alternatives to the lithium-ion battery are being opened up. In this session, you can hear from experts directly about current progress in the development of specific battery technologies and learn about the impact those battery technologies are set to have on the market for electrical energy storage systems in the near future.

Further Talks of this session:

NAS Batteries for Long-Duration Stationary Energy Storage


Uwe Fuchs
Head of Sales
BASF Stationary Energy Storage GmbH

To Talk

Zinc-Ion Batteries: The Key to Sustainable Energy Storage in Europe


Eloisa de Castro

To Talk

The Need for Alterntaive, Longer Duration Battery Energy Storage Technologies


Carla Barrera
Business Development & Marketing Director for Energy Storage
United States of America

To Talk

Restructure for Infrastructure: Enabling the Energy Storage Needed for Renewables


Alan Greenshields
Director EMEA
ESS Inc.
United States of America

To Talk

Long-Duration Energy Storage: Looking Beyond Lithium-Ion


Adam Briggs
Chief Commercial Officer
Ambri Incorporated
United States of America

To Talk

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