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Recording of Wednesday, June 19, 2024 | The smarter E Europe 2024 | Conference Program | Language: English | Duration: 2:45 .

Experts Discuss Hybrid Power Plants and Grid Challenges in the Solar Industry at Bloomberg NEF Session

The session on hybrid power plants addresses the numerous challenges facing the solar industry, notably issues related to grid connection and increasing curtailment in regions already saturated with solar energy. Despite optimistic forecasts extended to 2035 by Bloomberg NEF, global new build is unlikely to reach a terawatt due to these negative feedback mechanisms involving curtailment, grid infrastructure, and transmission constraints. The session features four expert speakers who will discuss specific use cases and policy frameworks impacting the sector. Kyle David Ryan from RWE starts off by exploring hybrid wind and solar solutions amidst heavily saturated grids.

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Jenny Chase
Lead Solar Analyst
United Kingdom

Talk of session: Hybrid PV Power Plants I: Providing Flexible Generation for the Energy System

Hybrid power plants play a crucial role in addressing the flexibility limitations of variable renewables. Solar and wind and/or battery storage systems improve grid-stability, allow to integrate more renewable energy and offer potential additional revenue for power plant operators.

This session will include:

  • Hybrid solar power plant case studies
  • Status and developments of hybrid solar power plant systems
  • Policy frameworks for a solar-based hybrid power supply

Further Talks of this session:

Hybrid Wind-Solar in the Age of Saturated Grids


Kyle David Ryan
Senior Project Engineer, Solar Engineering
RWE Renewables Europe & Australia GmbH

To Talk

Impact on Co-Located BESS on Utility PV System Designs


Johannes Linder
Director System Design & Innovation

To Talk

Zerbst: Developing Germany's Largest Hybrid PV-BESS Project


Laurent Talbot
Head of Energy Storage
Statkraft Erneuerbare GmbH

To Talk

How Optimized Schedules & Revenue Stacking Make Hybrid Plants Profitable


Isabella Caschetto
Product Manager Digital Services
SMA Solar Technology AG

To Talk

Fire Chat: How Can We Find Enough Flexibility in the Energy System for the Solar Industry to Build a Terawatt a Year?


Howard Wenger

To Talk

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