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Recording of Tuesday, June 18, 2024 | The smarter E Europe 2024 | Conference Program | Language: English | Duration: 8:30 .

Panel Discusses the Future of Long-Duration Energy Storage: Challenges, Use Cases, and Breakthroughs

This panel session focuses on the emerging field of long-duration energy storage (LDES), addressing its current challenges, future prospects, and monetization strategies. The moderator introduces an esteemed lineup of panelists: Susan Taylor from S&P Global, Julia Souder of the Long Duration Energy Storage Council , Laurent Segalen from Megawatt-X, Jan Andersson from Sumitomo SHi FW, and Wilhelm Löwenhielm from Northvolt. Each will share their insights over four structured parts. Initially, each panelist has three minutes to introduce themselves in detail and present their perspectives on LDES. The discussion then shifts to examining viable use cases for LDES—defined as technologies capable of providing continuous energy for more than eight hours—and how they can be monetized. This includes inter-day storage (8-24 hours) for day-to-night solar shifting and multi-day storage (24-100+ hours) for periods with inconsistent renewable generation. The conversation also explores various LDES technologies like compressed air and hydrogen storage concerning cost competitiveness beyond eight-hour discharge durations. Emphasis is placed on flexibility options such as flexible generation via hydropower or carbon capture, regional interconnectivity, demand-side response initiatives like preheating buildings before cold snaps, and existing natural gas storages which mirror potential future needs. Finally, a Q&A segment allows audience engagement before closing remarks where all panelists summarize what's impeding the breakthrough of LDES technology.

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Dr. Oliver Schmidt

Talk of session: Long-Duration Energy Storage - What's Holding it Back, When Will it Break Through?

Long-duration energy storage (LDES) is undoubtedly a key enabler for achieving net-zero. However, despite a wide range of technology providers claiming cost competitiveness and other advantages over lithium-ion batteries, the latter continue to dominate new deployments in Europe and elsewhere. So what's holding LDES back? What is needed to enable more widespread adoption? And when will the age of LDES finally arrive?In this panel, experts will provide an assessment of the suitability of LDES for today's market, the barriers that exist and the requirements and likely timeline for LDES to finally become mainstream.

Further Talks of this session:

Perspectives on LDES Susan Taylor


Susan Taylor
Senior Analyst
S&P Global

To Talk

Perspectives on LDES Julia Souder


Julia Souder
LDES Council

To Talk

Perspectives on LDES Laurent Segalen


Laurent Segalen
United Kingdom

To Talk

Perspectives on LDES Wilhelm Löwenhielm


Wilhelm Löwenhielm
Senior Director ESS

To Talk

Perspectives on LDES Jan Andersson


Jan Andersson
Director, Global Market Development
Sumitomo SHi FW

To Talk

Panel Discussion

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