The Complexity and Roles of Testing to Accelerate V2G Deployment

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Recording of Tuesday, June 18, 2024 | The smarter E Europe 2024 | Conference Program | Language: English | Duration: 16:51 .

Keysight's Andrew Cifala Discusses Grid Modernization Challenges and Opportunities with Vehicle-to-Grid (V2G) Technology Amid Increasing Renewable Energy Adoption and EV Integration

Andrew Chafala, a strategic portfolio planner for grid modernization technologies at Keysight, provides insights into Vehicle-to-Grid (V2G) technology. Keysight, once part of Hewlett-Packard and later Agilent before becoming independent in 2012, is the largest global manufacturer of test equipment and solutions. Cifala explains that V2G involves electric vehicles (EVs) supplying power back to the electrical grid, a significant shift from traditional unidirectional power flows dominated by large synchronous generators. As distributed energy resources like wind and solar have increased alongside EV adoption and advanced charging infrastructure deployment, managing the electricity grid has become more complex due to its now bidirectional nature. Grid operators struggle with maintaining stability amid fluctuating supply-demand dynamics exacerbated by renewable energy sources generating inconsistent power. Cifala highlights V2G's potential as an asset for balancing these challenges. The vast cumulative storage capacity in EV batteries far exceeds stationary systems' capabilities; leveraging this can support grid stability significantly despite consumer-dependent complexities in accessing this resource effectively.

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Andrew Cifala
Strategic Portfolio Planner and Test Solution Architect
Keysight Technologies, Inc.
United States

Talk of session: Vehicle-2-X and Grid Congestion

As the number of electric vehicles (EVs) on the roads continues to grow, concerns about grid congestion and its impact on the charging infrastructure are rising. This session will explore the potential of v2x technology for leveraging the power of EV batteries for flexible energy storage in order to ease the burden on the grid. Experts will discuss the critical role of v2x in managing peak power demand, optimizing charging infrastructure utilization and balancing grid supply and demand. Attendees will gain insights into the latest developments and hear case studies on v2x solutions that have prevented grid congestion, ensuring a sustainable and reliable energy transition.

Further Talks of this session:

Welcome and Introduction


Baerte de Brey
Chief International Officer
The Netherlands

To Talk

V2G Reference Implementation, How to Set up an International V2X Business Case, Learnings From Practice in Europe


Bas Lottman
Head of Product
Jedlix B.V.
The Netherlands

To Talk

Domestic V2X: Opportunities and Challenges


Michael Evans
Optimisation and Analytics Lead
Octopus Energy

To Talk

Delivering V2G Services From Vehicle to Market


Dr. Christopher Hecht
Data Scientist
The Mobility House GmbH

To Talk

Panel Discussion

To Talk

Partners & Sponsors

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