Tackling Challenges in the PV Production by PVD Technology

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Recording of Wednesday, June 14, 2023 | The smarter E Europe Exhibition Program 2023 | Exhibition Program | Language: English | Duration: 18:23 .


Dr. Sebastian Gatz, VP Photovoltaics, VonArdenne

Talk of session: A Roadmap for the Future of Cell Development: Innovative Industrial Approaches

Wafer, cell and module production technology is constantly evolving. With a market share of around 95 percent, silicon-based solar modules dominate the global market. While the passivated emitter and rear cell concept (PERC) is the working horse of the industry, we are now seeing a transition towards new technologies: The global production of tunnel oxide passivated contact (TOPCon), silicon heterojunction (SHJ) and interdigitated back contact (IBC) cells has already reached GW level. European machine manufacturers are the leading suppliers of solutions for the global market. Their innovative equipment has been developed to enable the high-quality, efficient production of solar cells. In this session, machine and equipment suppliers will be talking with European cell manufacturers about the state-of-the art of production technology and the future trends in the beyond-TW-scale market.

Further Talks of this session:

Welcome and Introduction

To Talk

3SUN Gigafactory: An Innovative and Sustainable Champion in PV Manufacturing Industry

To Talk

Leading-edge Stringing Technology for Copper Concepts Towards a Sustainable TeraWatt Market

To Talk

Innovations in Equpment Solutions for the State of the Art Advanced Cell Architectures

To Talk

Newest Generation of High Throughput Vacuum Deposition Tools for Latest Solar Applications

To Talk

Wet Chemical Innovation in TOPCon and SHJ Cell Processing

To Talk

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