Every new solar or wind farm and the growing demand for electricity redefines the basic rules of the energy system. As the energy system becomes greener and more decentralized it is getting harder to predict and to manage. Thanks to their flexibility, battery storage systems play an important role in stabilizing the power grid, as they can quickly react to frequency fluctuations in the grid. Entrix optimizes the marketing of the flexible capacity of battery storage systems across a systems’ entire life cycle. The AI based algorithms are trained to maximize the system’s lifecycle ROI, taking the project hardware’s characteristics into account. This is how they calculate the ideal combination of revenue streams in each case.
Steffen Schülzchen, Gründer & CEO, Entrix GmbH, Deutschland
This session is a real first: This is where the finalists and winners of the first EM-Power AWARD will be presenting their innovations. Their products and services pave the way for a future-proof, intelligent energy system and include solutions for grid management and energy monitoring, the integration of prosumers, flexibility options and much more. The finalists of The smarter E AWARD will be presenting their leading edge projects that are already putting the energy transition into practice in an exemplary way. Let yourself be inspired by the energy industry's pioneers!</p> <br /><p> </p> <br /><p>Moderator: Zackes Brustik, Moderator, Germany
Further Talks of this session: