Navigating Through the Challenges on the Road to Clean Energy: Overcoming Bottlenecks and Instabilities

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Recording of Wednesday, June 14, 2023 | The smarter E Europe Conference 2023 | Conference Program | Language: English | Duration: 15:39 .


Saskia Baumann
Head of Vertical Sales Experts
Siemens Energy

Talk of session: Resources of Speed - Elements of Accelerating the Energy Transition

Fighting climate change, ensuring a secure, resilient and affordable supply, while managing decentralization and digitalization - never before have such high demands been placed on energy systems.<br />But there is no acceleration without essential components of speed: resources, technology, and people. This session will debate today's hurdles and potential bottlenecks in grids, before discussing answers and solutions for overcoming them, including collaboration between stakeholders, securing the supply of inputs and ways to attract talents for the clean energy industry.

Further Talks of this session:

A Generational Opportunity - Attracting the Trailblazers, History Makers and Game Changers Needed for the Energy Transition


Daniel Dang
Director Business Development
SolarPower Europe

To Talk

Implementing the Energy Transition: People Focus


Juergen Hupe
Managing Director
Omexom GA Süd GmbH

To Talk

Investing in Data and Smart Grids Solutions to Meet the Challenges of the Energy Transition


Nicolas Pigeon
Head of Smart Metering Services Division

To Talk

Panel Discussion

To Talk

Welcome and Introduction


Diederik Peereboom
Secretary General
T&D Europe

To Talk

What's Next?


Diederik Peereboom
Secretary General
T&D Europe

To Talk

Partners & Sponsors

Further Content
Side Event
Driving the Energy Transition in Latin America

May 8, 2025

The LATAM Business Brunch is the opportunity to connect with renewable energy experts of the LATAM region. Let's meet in Munich.

EM-Power Europe Conference 2023
Welcome and Introduction

Wednesday, June 14, 2023, 09:00 am - 10:30 am

The smarter E Europe Conference 2023 | Conference Program

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Our European energy system is undergoing a major transformation, moving towards decentralization with increased penetration of distributed energy resources (DERs) connected to the grid, such as PV solar, battery storage, and EVs. While DERs provide clear benefits such as limiting costs, reducing CO2 emissions, and helping to empower consumers, there are still challenges to overcome to develop DERs to their full potential. This session will focus on best practices and innovative projects, both from a grid and user perspective (e.g. energy communities) and we will discuss how the regulatory framework can be improved to facilitate the penetration of DERs and active participation from consumers.

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Expert Interview
Distributed Energy Resources & Consumer Empowering

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