HeyCharge: EV Charging Unplugged from the Internet

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Recording of Thursday, June 15, 2023 | The smarter E Europe Exhibition Program 2023 | Exhibition Program | Language: English | Duration: 9:14 .


Chris Cardé, Gründer und CEO, HeyCharge

Talk of session: Power2Drive Start-up Pitches 1

The innovative power of start-up companies is going to change tomorrow's mobility. We address e-mobility, shared mobility, Environmental Social Governance and sustainability, intermodal mobility, semi-autonomous driving, light vehicles, digitalization, changed sales structures and more. We pay and act using digital solutions, and we want all processes to be as digital as possible. But who is driving the change? Who can implement it at the required speed? In this session, innovative start-ups will give you some answers to these questions. Moderators: Carla Westerheide, Editor, and Peter Schwierz, CEO, electrive, RABBIT PUBLISHING GmbH, Germany

Further Talks of this session:

Das Ökosystem Elektromobilität als Gamechanger für mehr Kundenbindung

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Intelligentes Laden: Vom einfachen Last Management bis zum innovativen Smart Charging

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Chancen für nachhaltige Mobilität im schweren Nutzfahrzeugbereich durch Fördermittel - ein Erfahrungsbericht

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Mit Mensch, Strategie und Struktur die Herausforderungen der Energiewirtschaft erfolgreich angehen

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Innovative Cable and Charging Solutions, Manufactured in Zero Emission Production Environment

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Arena: A Solar Pavement

To Talk

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