GW Future of SoliTek

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Recording of Thursday, June 15, 2023 | The smarter E Europe Exhibition Program 2023 | Exhibition Program | Language: English | Duration: 12:54 .


Talk of session: GW-scale Solar Module Factories for the Residential and Utility Scale Markets

The International Technology Roadmap for PV shows the projected developments in module technology. The current global manufacturing capacity is around 300 GW per year, with most of the output serving the residential and utility markets. What technological advancements are global players working on? How will product quality impact systems? What are the main technology goals for the coming years and what do companies think about emerging technologies such as tandem cells and modules?

Further Talks of this session:

Thin Film PV - The Building Block for Tandems of the Future

To Talk

IBC4EU - Bringing Solar Cell and Module Production Back to Europe

To Talk

Renaissance of PV Manufacturing in Europa - Chances, Risks and Challenges

To Talk

Next Generation Laser Scribing Solution for Thin Film PV

To Talk

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