Fostering the Uptake of Innovative Technologies to Support Grid Management

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Recording of Tuesday, June 18, 2024 | The smarter E Europe 2024 | Conference Program | Language: English | Duration: 10:26 .

Addressing Innovation Barriers in Power Systems: European Technology Associations Highlight Need for Coordinated Regulatory Frameworks and Smart Grid Indicators to Foster Future Transformation

The speaker, representing European associations of technology providers, emphasizes the critical role of innovation in addressing future challenges. They discuss how their research focuses on transmission and distribution grids, both hardware and software. The presentation is structured around three main types of innovation: using known solutions for existing functions (continuous improvement), employing new or unconventional solutions for existing functions, and supporting new functions through innovative processes. Key points include: 1. Innovation Motivation: Innovation should provide clear benefits rather than being pursued as an end itself. 2. Regulatory Frameworks: Effective regulatory frameworks are essential to motivate grid operators towards continuous improvements and adoption of innovative technologies. 3. Barriers to Innovation: - Insufficient payback from investments can deter companies. - Lack of binding references for maturity levels creates uncertainty about deploying new technologies. A central theme is that while past regulatory frameworks focused merely on efficiency, today's needs involve transforming power systems toward variable renewable energy sources and actively managing newer appliances like charging points or heat pumps. This transformation necessitates a coordinated effort including defining system operations for the future, infrastructure requirements, regular reviews based on evolving learning experiences, and transparent measurement at the distribution level to manage local flexibilities effectively. In conclusion, widespread understanding among stakeholders about these needs is crucial for successful implementation across member states' legislation levels to achieve reliable electricity supply during this transformative journey.

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Prof. Dr. Jochen Kreusel
President T&D Europe, Member ETIP-SNET
T&D Europe & ETIP-SNET

Talk of session: Flexible Grid and Innovative Grid Management

As the recent Grid Action Plan has shown, the importance of grids has finally come to the forefront of discussions on European energy policy. The focus of this session is on grid innovations and the need for a sustainable electricity system that can adapt to the energy transition.

Further Talks of this session:

Welcome and Introduction


Torsten Knop
European Regulation

To Talk

Impact of Smart Electrification vs. Non-smart Electrification on the Power Grid


Adrian Gonzalez
Programme Officer- Innovation and End-use Sectors
IRENA International Renewable Energy Agency

To Talk

How to Take Advantage of the Technology Radar by E.DSO


Jan Kula
Business Development Expert
CEZ Distribuce, a. s.
Czech Republic

To Talk

Flexibility Local Markets in Operation: Insights and Results From the UK, Europe and the US


Matthew Billson
Director, Policy & Market Strategy
United Kingdom

To Talk

How Flexibility is Expected to Contribute to Future Grids


Torsten Knop
European Regulation

To Talk

Panel Discussion

To Talk

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