Firm PV Power Generation for Europe

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Recording of Thursday, June 15, 2023 | The smarter E Europe Exhibition Program 2023 | Exhibition Program | Language: English | Duration: 16:26 .


Herr Wilfried van Sark, Professor an der Utrecht University, Niederlande

Talk of session: How to Scale Up Integrated PV Applications in the EU

The session is put together by ETIP PV's (The European Technology and Innovation Platform for Photovoltaics) experts integrated PV working group. Europe is a global leader for dual-use applications of PV like floating PV, agri-PV, and urban integrated PV. However, these innovations still face challenges in large scale deployment, in many cases due to non-technical challenges such as the regulatory framework, lack of standards, or social acceptance. The session will concentrate on how innovative solutions can drive the success of IPV products in the market. We will hear from experts that are working on innovations to overcome these challenges and ensure the success of sustainable dual use PV systems. Check out ETIP PV website for more information.

Further Talks of this session:

BIPV - Decarbonisation of Buildings and Decentralised Power Generation in Cities and Urban Areas.

To Talk

PhotoVoltaic Automotive Body - Challenges in Mass-production of VIPV Automotive Parts

To Talk

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