Factorial Energy: Transformational Solid State Battery Technology
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Recording of Thursday, June 15, 2023 | The smarter E Europe Exhibition Program 2023 | Exhibition Program | Language:
| Duration:
Talk of session: Next-Gen Batteries - Battery Fab Manager Day
Cheaper, safer, longer lasting, and more sustainable: The requirements that are imposed on the next generation of batteries are quite challenging. In this session, experts from the industry are going to share their insights on what future energy storage solutions might look like and what issues have to be addressed in order to make them able to compete against classical lithium-ion batteries.
Further Talks of this session:
Lithium Rolling and Bonding for Solid State Batteries
To Talk
Warm isostatic pressing - enabling large scale production of Solid State Batteries
To Talk
Solid-State Batteries: A Key to Producing the Storage Technology of the (Close) Future
To Talk
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