Enabling Green Hydrogen Integration to Achieve Ultra-Long Duration Energy Storage

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Recording of Friday, June 16, 2023 | The smarter E Europe Exhibition Program 2023 | Exhibition Program | Language: English | Duration: 10:33 .


Luca Manzella, Vice President, Business Development and Sales EMEA, Energy Vault, Switzlerland

Talk of session: Industrial/Product Live Pitches at the Green Hydrogen Forum / Day 3

Industrial/Product Live Pitches Moderation: Olivier Bucheli, President, EFCF

Further Talks of this session:

SFEERS & The Hydrogen Battery - Reshaping the Way we Store, Transport and Use Renewable Energy

To Talk

Energy and Hydrogen Storage Solutions for Sustainable Hotels

To Talk

Compact and Efficient Energy Storage Based on Ironoxide and H2

To Talk

Developing the Hydrogen Value Chain - Industrialisation and Digitalisation

To Talk

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