Digital Services and Sector Coupling: A Way to Favour REs (and EVs) Integration Through Enhanced Energy System Flexibility in Smart Grid
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Recording of Friday, June 16, 2023 | The smarter E Europe Exhibition Program 2023 | Exhibition Program | Language:
| Duration:
Ciro Lanzetta, Chief Technology Officer, i-EM S.r.l., Italy
Talk of session: Distributed Flexibility: Towards an Integrated District Approach
The European energy system is becoming increasingly more complex to manage with the significant uptake of renewable and decentralised energy sources. With a system facing possible local congestion and over-investments at distribution level, new innovations are needed to shield the grid and protect consumers from increased price volatility. This session will explore innovation in local energy optimisation, a key feature for an efficient, participatory and clean power system. Moderator: Michael Villa, CEO, smartEn, Belgium
Further Talks of this session:
Scaling and Integrating Distribution Flexibility Markets
To Talk
The Value of Flexibility Markets: How They Can Be Used to Address Local Congestion Issues and Over Investment in the Grid
To Talk
Toward a Neural Grid: Demand-Side Flexibility Meets Dispatch Control to Govern Energy Resources
To Talk
Flexible Resources, Brighter Future: Revolutionising Energy Management with Hardware Agnostic Technology
To Talk
Modular Energy Independence for Every Household
To Talk
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