Consumer Engagement and Demand Response (Including Interoperable Smart Homes and Grids) and Decarbonising Systems in Energy and Geographical Islands

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Recording of Thursday, June 15, 2023 | The smarter E Europe Exhibition Program 2023 | Exhibition Program | Language: English | Duration: 30:40 .


Maria Laura Trifiletti, ETIP SNET & BRIDGE Coordinator, ZABALA Innovation

Panel discussion along three topics:
1. DSOs challenges in the retail energy market and strategies to increase flexibility and options for consumers
2. Projects' results that support DSOs in increasing flexibility and new market options for consumers
3. Best replicable solutions for DSOs based on project experience


- EUNIVERSAL, Ricardo Almeida Henriques, E-REDES
- ebalance-plus, Juan Jacobo Peralta Escalante, CEMOSA
- Resonance, Markus Taumberger, VTT
- iPlug, Dr. Marc Cheah, CITCEA-UPC

Talk of session: The Latest from EU Innovation: BRIDGE Projects, Activities and Outcomes

The world is facing unprecedented challenges in the form of climate change and the urgent need to transition to a sustainable energy future. In order to tackle these challenges, we must harness the power of research and innovation to drive forward the development of new technologies, processes, and solutions.This session, organised by the ETIP Smart Networks for Energy Transition (SNET) and BRIDGE - two European Commission's initiatives - will bring on the stage ten H2020 and Horizon Europe projects. The panel session will be divided into two separate breakdown sessions along the topics of:

  • Flexibility and retail market options for DSO - Replicable solutions for a cross sector compliant energy ecosystem
  • Consumer engagement and demand response (including interoperable smart homes and grids) and decarbonising systems in energy and geographical Islands.

In each of the two breakout sessions, panelists will take part in an interactive discussion along the three topics listed below. The panel discussion will be followed by a Q&A session where questions from the audience will be collected. Join us to enhance your understanding of the current state of energy-related areas and to identify where the gaps and needs for future research and innovation priorities lie!

Further Talks of this session:

Flexibility and Retail Market Options for DSOs – Replicable Solutions for a Cross Sector Compliant Energy Ecosystem

To Talk

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