Aiko in Europa, für Europa

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Recording of Wednesday, June 14, 2023 | The smarter E Europe Exhibition Program 2023 | Exhibition Program | Language: English | Duration: 11:57 .

Intersolar AWARD Winner 2023

The ABC Modules created by Chinese company Aiko Solar combines n-type solar cells with passivating contacts and back-contact architectures to create some of the world’s most powerful solar panels. The PV modules reach a capacity of 610 watts at 23.6 percent efficiency, significantly higher than most available panels. The glass backsheet modules have impressive temperature coefficients and a 30-year power warranty. In addition to technical excellence, Aiko Solar’s new line features clean aesthetics and all-black variants, suiting a wide range of construction projects. The panel also praised Aiko Solar for metalizing their ABC modules without using silver, which significantly reduces silver consumption and is therefore more environment-friendly.


Dr. Christian Peter, Managing Director, Shenzhen Aiko Digital Energy Technology Co. Ltd.

Talk of session: Intersolar AWARD & The smarter E AWARD Finalists

The smarter E Europe AWARD and the Intersolar AWARD are the international flagship AWARDs of the solar industry - they are bestowed for groundbreaking innovations and pioneering solutions in the areas of photovoltaics (PV) and PV-integrated systems at The smarter E Europe in Munich. In this session, the finalists of the Intersolar AWARD and of The smarter E AWARD will be presenting their prizeworthy projects and developments.

Further Talks of this session:

PV Circulator

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Intelligente Software zur Vermeidung von Ausfällen in Solarkraftwerken

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Sunmaxx PVT - Next Level for Solar Industry

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iFIX: das schnellste Montagesystem für Flachdächer - mit einem Click

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Vila Restauração Amazon Microgrid: Clean and Reliable Energy for All

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Die intelligentesten Mikro-Wechselrichter aller Zeiten. IQ8 Series Microinverters

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