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This is the new online platform for everything worth knowing about smart energy solutions! Find recordings from exhibitions, conferences and webinars, as well as studies, interviews and whitepapers from leading experts in the field.

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Recent Additions to the Media Center
Dennis Schulmeyer, CEO from LADE GmbH
AI-Based Energy Management: The Future Is Now

The smarter E Podcast Episode 189 | Language: German
We speak with Dennis Schulmeyer about ai-based energy management

Thomas Hillig, Founder from THEnergy
Global Race for Green Hydrogen – Just Hype or the Key to a Sustainable Energy Future?

The smarter E Podcast Episode 188 | Language: English
We speak with Thomas Hillig about global developments in green hydrogen

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Download Market Insights: Charging the Future

Ausgabe 7 | 22.08.2024
Laden von Elektrofahrzeugen in Deutschland

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Download Market Insights: Charging the Future

Ausgabe 8 | 19.08.2024
Laden von Elektrofahrzeugen in Österreich und der Schweiz

Helmut-Klaus Schimany und Krispin Romang
Elektromobilität in Österreich und der Schweiz – Was läuft anders bei unseren Nachbarn?

The smarter E Podcast Folge 187 | Sprache: Deutsch
Wir sprechen mit Helmut-Klaus Schimany und Krispin Romang über Entwicklungen und Trends der Elektromobilität in DACH

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Archivo de webinars
La importancia de la certeza técnica en el sector solar

13 de agosto de 2024
Abordaremos, desde la perspectiva del Colegio de Ingenieros, cual es la importancia de detonar la profesionalización del sector, así como vincular la certeza técnica con los proyectos, programas y usuarios residenciales, comerciales, industriales, públicos y privados para el desarrollo del sector solar.

Wulf Schlachter, CEO at DXBe Management Group
Electric Mobility Worldwide: Trends and Challenges

The smarter E Podcast Episode 186 | Language: English
We speak with Wulf Schlachter from DXBe Management Group about gobal innovation and trends in electromobility

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Download Market Insights: A Comprehensive Review of Solar Data in the Middle East

Issue 6 | August 4, 2024
Solar Data in the Middle East

Dr. Stefan Reber und Dr. Johannes Eisenlohr von focusEnergie
Chancen und Herausforderungen in der Sektorenkopplung bei PV Gewerbe- und Industrieinstallationen

The smarter E Podcast Folge 185 | Sprache: Deutsch
Wir sprechen mit Dr. Stefan Reber und Dr. Johannes Eisenlohr über PV Gewerbe- und Industrieinstallationen

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Acervo de webinários
Os referenciais do setor de energia renovável: Destaques do Pólo Latino-americano de Inovações para a Nova Realidade Energética

1 de agosto de 2024
Os congressos The smarter E South America 2024 Intersolar, ees, Power2Drive e Eletrotec+EM-Power visam estabelecer um referencial para o setor de energia renovável, abordando os avanços do mercado e os desafios e oportunidades técnicas e regulatórias.

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Webinar Collection
Market Study – The German PV and Battery Storage Market

July 30, 2024
Join us for this webinar to gain insights into the current state of solar energy in Germany and the strategies needed to achieve these ambitious targets.

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Webinar Collection
Setting the benchmark for the renewable energy industry – Highlights of LATAM’s Innovation Hub for the New Energy World

July 25, 2024
The smarter E South America 2024 Conferences Intersolar, ees, Power2Drive and Eletrotec+EM-Power, aim to set the benchmark for the renewable energy industry. They address market development, technical and regulatory challenges and opportunities, and feature expert presentations on a variety of topics including solar energy, grid infrastructure, energy storage, green hydrogen and electric mobility.

Christophe Lits, market analyst at SolarPower Europe
How China, innovation and investment are changing the global solar market

The smarter E Podcast Episode 184 | Language: English
We speak with Christophe Lits about gobal developments in the solar market

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Webinar Collection
Energy with Beauty – Photovoltaik in der Fassade

23. Juli 2024
Trotz beeindruckender Zubauraten bei der Photovoltaik, stehen wir noch am Anfang der Transformation unseres Energiesystems in Richtung CO2-Neutralität. Wir werden noch sehr viel mehr Fläche benötigen, um PV-Module unterzubringen.

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Webinar Collection
The Promising Growth Outlook of Energy Storage in Brazil and Mexico

July 18, 2024
Despite the exponential growth of the global energy storage market, Latin America has not yet emerged as a significant player. Currently, the largest energy storage projects in the region are being implemented in Chile.

Julian Schulz, Mitgründer und Managing Director bei Metergrid
Mieterstrom: Chancen und Hürden der gemeinschaftlichen Gebäudeversorgung

The smarter E Podcast Folge 183 | Sprache: Deutsch
Wir sprechen mit Julian Schulz über Mieterstrom

Felipe Narbona, Team Leader at ABO Energy
Hybrid Power Plants: Unlocking the Future of Renewable Energy

The smarter E Podcast Episode 182 | Language: English
We speak with Felipe Narbona about hybrid power plants

Next Generation for Rooftop Solar:

A Webinar Exploring Trinasolar Vertex S+

Thorben Maier, Designwerk Technologies AG
Dank Megawattladen zur Mobilitätswende im Schwerlastverkehr?

The smarter E Podcast Folge 181 | Sprache: Deutsch
Wir sprechen mit Thorben Maier über das Megawattladen

Rana Adib, Executive Director of REN21
The Energy Transition is More Than Electricity

The smarter E Podcast Episode 180 | Language: Englisch
We speak with Rana Adib about the latest trends in energy supply

Solar women: Keys to the business future

June 25, 2024
This webinar will present success stories of women leaders and strategies to incorporate equality practices in companies.

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Archivo de webinars
Mujeres solares: Claves para el futuro empresarial

25 de junio de 2024
En este webinar se presentarán historias de éxito de mujeres líderes y estrategias para incorporar prácticas de igualdad en las empresas.

The smarter E Europe Exhibition Program 2024
Less (Charging Points) is More: Welcome to "Future City"! (in German)

Friday, June 21, 2024, 02:00 pm - 03:40 pm
Sarah Carl, Projektmanagerin, RZB Rudolf Zimmermann, Bamberg GmbH

The smarter E Europe Exhibition Program 2024
Welcome by the Moderator

Friday, June 21, 2024, 02:00 pm - 03:40 pm
Armin Grasmuck, Chief editor, CDA Verlag | electricar

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The smarter E Europe Exhibition Program 2024
The Future of the Grid: How Software Paths the Way Towards Grid Stability and Scalability

Friday, June 21, 2024, 02:00 pm - 03:40 pm
Alex Iriondo, Product Manager, Monta

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The smarter E Europe Exhibition Program 2024
Panel Diskussion: E-mobility for the masses: Wie die große Transformation alle elektrisiert

Freitag, 21. Juni 2024, 14:00 - 15:40 Uhr
Armin Grasmuck, Chefredakteur, CDA Verlag | electricar Marcus Groll, COO, IONITY GmbH Astrid Witzany, Kongressmanagerin, EL-Motion

The smarter E Europe Exhibition Program 2024
Abschluss (Englisch und Deutsch)

Freitag, 21. Juni 2024, 14:00 - 15:40 Uhr
Joel Wenske, Projektleitung Power2Drive Europe, Solar Promotion GmbH

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The smarter E Europe Exhibition Program 2024
Granularität in der Praxis

Freitag, 21. Juni 2024, 13:45 - 15:00 Uhr
Pal Habsburg-Lothringen, Commercial Manager, Granular Energy

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The smarter E Europe Exhibition Program 2024
Panel Discussion + Q&A

Freitag, 21. Juni 2024, 13:45 - 15:00 Uhr
Marius Klemm, Markt- und Prozessentwicklung, 50Hertz Pal Habsburg-Lothringen, Commercial Manager, Granular Energy Joris Weynen, Business Development Manager, Reverion GmbH

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The smarter E Europe Exhibition Program 2024
Relevanz von granularen Herkunftsnachweisen

Freitag, 21. Juni 2024, 13:45 - 15:00 Uhr
Marius Klemm, Markt- und Prozessentwicklung, 50Hertz

Recent News from all The smarter E websites
Download Market Insights: Charging the Future

Ausgabe 7 | 22.08.2024

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Download Market Insights: Charging the Future

Ausgabe 8 | 19.08.2024

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Download Market Insights: A Comprehensive Review of Solar Data in the Middle East

Issue 6 | August 4, 2024

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Next Generation for Rooftop Solar:

A Webinar Exploring Trinasolar Vertex S+

The German PV and Battery Storage Market

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Press Release
The smarter E AWARD 2024: Winners Pave the Way for Renewable 24/7 Energy Supply with Innovative Solutions

June 18, 2024

European Market Outlook for Energy Storage 2024-2028

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Global Market Outlook for Solar Power 2024-2028

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Download Market Insights: Empowering Energy Independence

Issue 5 | June 12, 2024

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Download Market Insights: Empowering Energy Independence

Issue 4 | May 30, 2024

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Market Trend
Solar Package I Finally Concluded

May 24, 2024

Market Insights: Empowering Energy Independence

Issue 3 | May 15, 2024

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Download Market Insights: Die Wärmewende

Ausgabe 2 | 08.05.2024

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Download Market Insights: Die Wärmewende

Ausgabe 1 | 23.04.2024

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Download "Oman – Solar investment opportunities"

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Press Release
Innovative, Agile, Bold: Start-Ups Present Pioneering Energy and Mobility Solutions at The smarter E Europe 2024

February 22, 2024

Download the Solar Outlook Report – November 2023

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Industry News
Smart Connection of Heat Pumps to the Power Grid

January 9, 2024

Industry News
Doubling of Investments and System Flexibility by 2030

December 5, 2023

Start-up Story
A Pacemaker for Routers

December 4, 2023

Expert Interview
“The Sexiness of User Experience Is Critical to the Success of the Energy Transition”

October 19, 2023

Interview with IoT expert Marco Oesterlein on the problems and solutions of digitalization.

Start-up Interview
Simple and Efficient Energy Sharing

September 22, 2023

„As Simple As Car Sharing“

September 18, 2023

Interview with bne’s David Krehan on promoting prosumption and energy sharing in Germany

Expert Interview
Electrification of the Vehicle Fleet: "First of All, Reliable Deliverability of the Vehicles Must be Guaranteed".

August 16, 2023

In this interview, Axel Schäfer talks about the electrification of vehicle fleets and what needs to be considered.

Expert Interview
How a Digital Twin Can Help Developing the European Power Grid

August 14, 2023

Interview with Peter Vermaat, EU DSO Entity, on developing the European power grid.

Industry News
The Demand for Plug-in Solar Equipment in Germany Remains High

August 3, 2023

Market Trend
The BMWK’s Photovoltaics Strategy: German Federal Government Presents Policies

June 26, 2023

Download the "Global Market Outlook for Solar Power 2023-2027"

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AWARD Ceremony 2023
Upcoming events

Tickets kaufen

Seminar PV-Großanlagen

September 10–11, 2024 | Deutsche Gesellschaft für Sonnenenergie e. V., Berlin
In diesem Seminar werden die technischen und planerischen Anforderungen an große PV-Anlagen behandelt

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27. Internationales Anwenderforum Kleinwasserkraftwerke

18.–19. September 2024 | Technische Hochschule Rosenheim
Das Anwenderforum Kleinwasserkraft ist das praxisnahe Forum für Betreiber, Planer und Hersteller von Kleinwasserkraftanlagen

SolarPACES Conference 2024

October 8–11, 2024 | Auditorium della Tecnica, Rome
The conference provides a forum for policy-makers, financiers, developers, researchers and experts from around the world to exchange ideas, developments and opportunities

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Seminar Planung und Installation von PV-Anlagen

October 29–30, 2024 | Deutsche Gesellschaft für Sonnenenergie e. V. (DGS), Berlin
Für Elektroplaner*innen der Crash-Kurs zur fach- und normgerechten Planung und Installation von netzgekoppelten PV-Anlagen

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AgriVoltaics Industry Forum Europe 2024

November 5–6, 2024 | Palacio Neptuno, Madrid
The forum will feature a diverse range of invited talks, covering economic, agricultural, and regulatory aspects of agrivoltaics

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Deutsche Photovoltaik-Betriebs- und Sicherheitstagung 2024

November 14–15, 2024 | Magnus-Haus, Berlin
Die Planungs-, Betriebs- und Sicherheitstagung unterstützt Neueinsteiger sowie gestandene Planer und Installateure dabei, die Herausforderungen und die geänderten Normen und Richtlinien sowie gestiegenen Qualitäts- und Sicherheitsanforderungen zu meistern

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Seminar PV-Großanlagen (Online)

November 26–27, 2024 | Online
In diesem Seminar werden die technischen und planerischen Anforderungen an große PV-Anlagen behandelt

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Forum Solar PLUS 2024

November 26–27, 2024 | bcc Berlin Congress Center, Berlin
Deutschland's größte PV-Wirtschaftstagung bietet Einblicke in Marktentwicklungen, Best Practice-Geschäftsmodelle und neue Inspiration

The Netherlands
12. BCworkshop

December 4–5, 2024 | The Green Village, Delft
Back contact solar cell and module technology

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Sustainable Solar Europe

December 12, 2024 | Event Lounge, Brussels
A 360⁰ Perspective on Solar Sustainability

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Tagung Zukünftige Stromnetze 2025

January 29–30, 2025 | Novotel Hotel Am Tiergarten, Berlin
Die Tagung ist Impulsgeber und wichtigster Treffpunkt für alle Key-Player der Energiebranche mit dem Kernthema Stromnetze

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14. Kongress Klimaneutrale Kommunen

February 6–7, 2025 | Messe Freiburg
Spannende Keynote-Vorträge und zahlreiche parallele Praxisforen zu Schwerpunktthemen der kommunalen Energiewende

Gebäude.Energie.Technik (GETEC)

February 7-9, 2025 | Messe Freiburg
GETEC - die Messe für energieeffizientes Planen, Bauen und Wohnen

The smarter E India 2025

February 12–14, 2025 | Helipad Exhibition Centre, Gandhinagar, Gujarat
Strategic inputs in all the key aspects of the fast growing Indian solar, energy storage and EV ecosystem

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ees India 2025

February 12–14, 2025 | Helipad Exhibition Centre, Gandhinagar, Gujarat
India’s Leading Electrical Energy Storage Exhibition

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Intersolar India 2025

February 12–14, 2025 | Helipad Exhibition Centre, Gandhinagar, Gujarat
India‘s Most Pioneering Exhibition and Conference for the Solar Industry

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Power2Drive India 2025

February 12–14, 2025 | Helipad Exhibition Centre, Gandhinagar, Gujarat
India’s Premier Exhibition for Electric Mobility and Charging Solutions

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Solar Quality Summit Europe 2025

February 18–19, 2025 | Hyatt Regency Barcelona Tower, Barcelona
Ensuring the Best in O&M, EPC and Asset Management, exploring challenges, and discovering emerging technologies and trends

SiliconFOREST Workshop

23.–26. Februar 2025 | Haus Feldberg-Falkau, Feldberg (Schwarzwald)
Seit 2005 treffen sich jährlich Masteranden, Doktoranden und PostDocs im Schwarzwald, um über die Fortschritte der Silicium-Photovoltaik zu diskutieren

Intersolar North America 2025

Februrary 25–27, 2025 | San Diego Convention Center, San Diego, CA
Actionable education, impactful networking, an immersive expo hall experience, and more

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40. PV-Symposium

March 11–13, 2025 | Kloster Banz, Bad Staffelstein
Das jährliche Branchentreffen der Solarindustrie

Intersolar Summit Africa 2025

March 12–13, 2025 | Nairobi
KenyaEmpowering Africa: Innovations in Photovoltaics, Energy Storage and Renewable Energy Solutions

United Arab Emirates
Intersolar & ees Middle East 2025

April 7–9, 2025 | Dubai World Trade Centre, Dubai
The Leading Solar and Energy Storage Event in the Middle East

United Arab Emirates
Intersolar & ees Middle East Conference 2025

April 7–9, 2025 | Dubai World Trade Centre, Dubai
The Leading Solar and Energy Storage Event in the Middle East

SiliconPV Conference

April 8–11, 2025 | Mathematical Institute, Oxford
15th International Conference on Crystalline Silicon Photovoltaics

Intersolar Summit Brasil Nordeste 2025

April 23–24, 2025 | Centro de Eventos do Ceará, Fortaleza
Distributed Generation, Large-Scale PV , Financing, PV + Green Hydrogen

ees Europe Conference 2025

May 6–7, 2025 | ICM – International Congress Center München
A highly topical two-day program focusing on the most important market and technology trends for energy storage

EM-Power Europe Conference 2025

May 6–7, 2025 | ICM - International Congress Center München
Join international experts in a conversation about how to intelligently connect decentralized systems and how to successfully integrate e-mobility into our energy systems

Intersolar Europe Conference 2025

May 6–7, 2025 | ICM – International Congress Center München
Learn everything about markets, technologies and financing of PV projects

Power2Drive Europe Conference 2025

May 6–7, 2025 | ICM – International Congress Center München
Rethinking Mobility - Exciting discussions for experts, entrepreneurs and pioneers

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