Session 5: Sustainable End-of-life Solutions for Solar Products

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Recording from Thursday, December 7, 2023 | Sustainable Solar Europe 2023 | Sprache: English | Länge: 59:14 .

Session 5: Sustainable End-of-life Solutions for Solar Products

Solar technologies have unique features at their end-of-life stage. Current recycling processes for solar panels allow for a technical recycling yield of up to 90% by weight, while the current EU legislation, the WEEE Directive, already requires recycling of solar panels. With an anticipated multi-TW growth of solar capacity in the EU to meet climate, energy and security ambitions, optimising end-of-life management practices in the solar industry becomes a crucial task. This session will explore the latest developments across end-of-life practices for solar, including recycling, reuse, and repowering, from the perspective of different stakeholders in the sector.

  • Maria Banti, Policy Officer, European Commission
  • Nicolas Defrenne, Managing Director, Soren
  • Kahya Engler, Technical Lead M&A - Strategy, Sunrock

Moderator: David Moser, Group Leader - Photovoltaic energy systems, EURAC Research

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