Local R&D, Clean Energy Workforce, and Utility-Scale Solar: Trends and Technologies for Brazil’s Renewable Future

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Recording of Tuesday, August 23, 2022 | Intersolar South America Conference | Language: English | Duration: 17:56 .


Dan Shugar

Talk of session: Cerimônia De Abertura Intersolar South America Conference

Official congress opening, with renowned authorities and professionals from the electric and solar photovoltaic sector.

Further Talks of this session:

Abertura oficial do congresso

To Talk

Abertura oficial do congresso

To Talk

Abertura oficial do congresso

To Talk

Perspectivas e Cenários para Energia Solar Fotovoltaica no Brasil

11:05 - 11:15

To Talk

Abertura oficial do congresso

To Talk

Oportunidades e Desafios para Energia Solar Fotovoltaica no Brasil

To Talk

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